
Eight amazing jobs you never knew existed.

Tech Trades Navy
Thanks to our brand partner, Tech Trades Navy

Face feeler? Waterslide tester? We bet you’re reconsidering your chosen career path right about now.

There are plenty of points in life where you just step back and think: Am I doing what I really want to be doing?

If that’s you right now and you’re wondering what else might be out there jobs-wise, it might be time to consider something a little outside the box.

Face feeler? Waterslide tester? We bet you’re reconsidering your chosen career path right about now.


Just as an FYI, this post is sponsored by Tech Trades Navy. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100 per cent authentic and written in their own words.

These eight intriguing but downright amazing jobs could be right up your alley.

1. Face feeler.

Were you wondering how beauty companies can claim their products offer the best results? Well, wonder no more – it’s down to the hard work of a face feeler.

A face feeler studies a person’s skin after they use a particular product and they look for the touted changes. Prerequisites for the job: Sensitive hands and no concept of personal space.

Related: Google’s new game is the reason you’ll get no work done today.

2. Gumologist.

You wouldn’t have thunk it, but a LOT of hard work goes into creating the perfect piece of gum. And some of that hard work is done by a gumologist. These are the noble men and women who test the flavour, texture and consistency of new chewing gum creations.

Jesse Kiefer, who works as a gumologist for Cadbury Schweppes, told Fortune magazine: “A piece of gum weighs just one to seven grams, but it’s packed with a lot of different technology.” You might give your humble piece of Wrigleys a bit more respect now.

You wouldn’t have thunk it, but a LOT of hard work goes into creating the perfect piece of gum.


3. Waterslide tester.

Now these guys are truly living our wildest childhood dreams. Some waterparks hire people to test their waterslides for stress factors and aerodynamics before they open for business. Yep – hours and hours of riding waterslides. Apart from the pruney skin, that sounds like an ace deal.

Tommy Lynch was hired by British vacation company First Choice to check the height, speed, water quantity and landing as well as all safety aspects of their rides. But he says it’s not all fun and games: “There is so much more that goes into the [slides] than people realise. The pools and slides are such an important part of the family holiday so it is vital everything is right,” he told the Daily Mail.

Related: You CAN find someone who will do the right thing by you, as long as you take the right steps.

4. Teddy bear doctor.

While real doctors might have a fancy schmancy medical degree, these guys are doing the real miracle work. As a child there is nothing quite like the heartbreak of your favourite toy (and best friend) suffering a life-threatening injury.

These Teddy Bear Repair Technicians stitch, stuff and sew Big Ted back to his former cuddliness.

While real doctors might have a fancy schmancy medical degree, these guys are doing the real miracle work.


5. Fortune cookie writer.

No, the gods of fate nor the powers that be did not write those deep words of wisdom in the middle of your fortune cookie. That job is taken care of by a fortune cookie writer.


It’s the perfect job for someone who loves writing but has a very short attention span. Would also suit someone with a god complex.

6. Pet food tester.

If you’ve considered raiding the dog’s food stash when the human goods are finished, this might be the job for you. Our furry friends can’t tell us if their meals are any good or not sooo… we humans have to figure it out.

As a pet food tester your job involves evaluating the smell, taste and texture of our pal’s meals.

As a pet food tester your job involves evaluating the smell, taste and texture of our pal’s meals.


7. Join the Navy.

Basically any kind of job you can think of, you can do in the Navy. Plus you have the added bonus of a unique work environment, plenty of travel and adventure as well as that warm fuzzy feeling of doing something worthwhile.

 Related: “To any woman thinking of joining the army, I would say ‘do it’.”

8. Bed tester.

Everybody has those days when they wish they could skip work and stay in bed all day. They’re called Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Some people have taken that urge and parlayed it into a career as a bed tester. Their days are full of lounging on comfy pillows and bouncing on beds. What more could you want?

What’s the best job you’ve ever had?

Here are some jobs our favourite celebrities held before they made it big.


The Royal Australian Navy has a host of diverse roles available for both men and women who are looking for a rewarding, flexible and challenging career.

Navy is currently recruiting for various trade roles. For further information on becoming a trade technician in the Navy visit: or call 13 19 01.


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