In international news this week, a guy held his girlfriend’s hand.
^^ That sort of thing tends to earn a fair bit of attention when you’re in line to succeed the throne as ruler of a Commonwealth of nations. Especially if that thing, well, just isn’t generally done.
“Prince Harry Broke Royal Protocol with Meghan Markle”, “Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Royal PDA May Have Been Against the Rules”, “Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Broke a MAJOR Royal Rule”, the headlines read.
But the truth is, the Royals – especially the younger ones – break protocol all the time. Because, let’s face it, a lot of them (the rules, that is) are really bloody weird.
Here are a few they’ve tossed out the window.
They mustn’t let people touch them.
And not just girlfriends. The media went nuts in 2009 when Michelle Obama and the Queen stood side-by-side with (then) US First Lady Michelle Obama, their arms slung around each others’ waists. And again in 2014 when basketball legend LeBron James put his around the Duchess of Cambridge’s shoulders.
Because traditionally, Royals have avoided the touch of commoners, minus the odd gloved handshake.
Her Majesty and her grandchildren clearly aren’t sticklers for the hands-off rule, though. Prince William even enjoys the odd unsolicited hug every now and then.