
HOROSCOPES: How cutting out a close friend and money troubles are in the stars for you this week.

Natasha Weber is an astrology genius and has predicted our horoscopes for the week beginning June 11th. For more from Natasha, follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

Forgotten aspirations resurface this week, thanks to Pluto's swan song in your career sector. You have a timeline – the year’s end. Pluto is rooting for your success. A radical life shift is tempting even if you're not a professional Ram. Lift your game is higher, Aries; your dreams are closer than ever. It's no time to surrender. This week, guided by Pluto, you'll discover how to cross the finish line and make your dreams a reality. Stay determined. POWER DAY Sunday.


This week brings a surge of inspiration thanks to Mercury’s move into your money zone. A lightbulb moment on financing a business dream or a personal need is coming. Trust in your own savvy – you've got this. It's a prime week to revisit your budget to reflect your current bank balance. If something is costing too much, it's okay to cut back. Success is about rolling with the punches and not beating yourself up if you need to pinch pennies – it might just be a blip. POWER DAY Monday.


Watch: Horoscopes in the bedroom. Story continues after video. 

Video via Mamamia.


Mercury re-enters your sign on Sunday, supercharging your communication skills. You've been handed a cosmic megaphone – people will listen. You can request nearly anything you desire and achieve it. But remember the old warning, Gemini: be careful what you wish for. Before speaking your desires into existence, take a moment to really consider what you want. The more specific you are in your cosmic order, the higher the chances of the universe delivering exactly what you want. POWER DAY Sunday.


Pluto returns to your relationship zone, offering you a second shot. Just broken up? Maybe there's a lingering, unsaid sentiment. If you're single, perhaps you've overlooked a potential gem. In a relationship? You might have missed a golden opportunity, but now, Pluto is serving you a romantic replay. The choice on how to use it is all yours, Cancer, so grab any opening to mend, discover, or deepen – it's a second chance at the big love you shouldn't miss. POWER DAY Sunday.


As Venus tussles with Jupiter on Monday, an opportunity might be more complicated than anticipated. But don't surrender to pessimism because even the tiniest flicker of hope can ignite a blaze of success. Still, it won't just fall into your lap, but it’s there, patiently waiting to be seized. If you grab the slightest chance and commit wholeheartedly, your dream can become a reality. Give it your all, Leo. POWER DAY Monday.


As Pluto revisits your fun zone this Sunday, it's a nudge to lighten up on a pressing issue. Consider how to regain a healthier and more sustainable perspective. Remember, life is meant to be enjoyed, and a good chuckle at yourself is vital for your mental well-being. What if you allowed yourself more wiggle room for error? Imagine if you devoted just half the energy you give to perfecting your work, being a stellar friend, and winning at life, to being kinder to yourself. This shift might unlock a new level of happiness. POWER DAY Sunday.


Pluto returns to your home zone, urging you to face an unresolved matter. Be it family affairs, home improvements, or your belongings, tie up those loose ends. If it's a touchy topic, confront it. You loathe tension, but thoroughness is key now. For parents handling a disciplinary issue, communicate your expectations precisely but warmly. This week is about tackling tough issues head-on. Do that with love and warmth, and you’ll welcome peace back into your home life. POWER DAY Monday.


Pluto encourages you to break the silence on something you've been keeping to yourself. Is there a secret you've been nursing? It's time to air it out. Has someone upset you or dented your pride? Or have your feelings for your lover or partner changed, but you can't find the words? This week, bravely share your thoughts but remember to do so with kindness and tact. Timing is key – after Sunday, the universe gives you the all-clear to speak your truth. POWER DAY Sunday.


Just when you thought your finances were on track, an unexpected bill or expense throws a curveball. But don't stress. Once tackled, you'll be well-position for future financial growth. This week also urges a reshuffle of your priority list, as what once held pole position may no longer hold its place. Embrace this reassessment, realigning your life with your true values. So, even if money matters seem rocky now, remember, it's just paving the way for a more secure financial future and a life that deeply resonates with you. POWER DAY Monday.


Pluto returns to your sign for one final encore from Sunday. And here you thought your soul-searching days were over, Capricorn. This might sound daunting, but it's truly a blessing – a last chance to claim the personal strength and wisdom earned from facing Pluto's trials. Embrace this opportunity and your inner power, because it won't return within your lifetime after Pluto exits your sign next January. Take this as your cue to fully embody the queen you were born to be. POWER DAY Sunday.


As you wave goodbye to Pluto exiting your sign on Sunday, reflect on the patterns that have recently unfolded. They’re set to return next January, propelling you into your most empowered self. Have you felt the universe nudging you out of your comfort zone yet knew, in your heart-of-hearts, it's precisely where you're meant to be? Pluto won't revisit your sign until next year, so take this cosmic hiatus to ready yourself to step into the life you've always envisaged. POWER DAY Tuesday.


Have you offered a friend or associate another chance, hoping they would pull through? As Pluto re-enters your friendship sector this week, you might need to reconsider your kindness. Pluto, the planet of transformation, pushes for change – it might not be easy, but it's always for your highest good. So, take a hard look at your close-knit circle this week. Decide who uplifts you and who needs to go. Foster meaningful relationships, Pisces, because surrounding yourself with solid connections sets you on a path to success. POWER DAY Tuesday.

Natasha is the host of Astrology Coach podcast for iHeartRadio and horoscope columnist for Mamamia. She has guest featured on radio and TV shows, Studio 10, Today Extra and Sunrise Morning Show. In 2020, Natasha received the prestigious AAAC award for her contribution to astrological research. She is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, and her work has appeared in many prestigious publications. Natasha's hot astro tip is to read your horoscope for your Sun and Ascendant signs to get the most accurate prediction. You can find her website here, her Instagram here and her TikTok here

Feature Image: Mamamia.

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