
HOROSCOPES: New romances and big decisions. The week ahead according to your star sign.


Natasha Weber is an astrology genius, and has predicted our horoscopes for the week beginning September 22. For more from Natasha follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

weekly horoscope

A new dawn is breaking. One aspect of your life is closing, and another is opening up for you. While it’s natural to feel hesitant and afraid of the unknown, trust that whatever is building is an improvement of what has been. Venus and Saturn insist that the new phase is here to stay. The less resistant you are, the happier you’ll be.

taurus horoscope

You’ll bond with a friend, coworker or acquaintance over a mutual interest. Teamwork helps you to reach a shared goal much faster. Plan a meeting and brainstorm your way towards a fantastic solution or idea. You won’t need to go looking for your partner in success, destiny promises your paths will collide by week’s end.

GEMINI horoscope

The Sun’s annual visit to your love zone begins on Monday. Romance plays a dominant role in your life now. Twins often live in their head, but this week, give yourself permission to follow your heart. Coupled up Geminis should set aside time to cultivate connection. Indulge in emotional intimacy, especially if your headspace has been cluttered with practical matters lately.

cancer horoscope

Your home life is in focus when the Sun encourages change. In the long run, the shift is positive, benefiting more than one family member. However, if someone insists on digging in their heels or making excuses to avoid progression, the transition will be more of a shake-up than a move towards improvement.

Watch: The star signs when there's a problem at work. Post continues after video.

Video by MMC
leo horoscope

Your creative fires are burning. Jupiter’s rare alignment with mystical Neptune calls for your talents to be showcased. It’s time for your gifts to be noticed by someone that could be instrumental in getting you to where you want to go. Make sure you put your best foot forward at every given opportunity. Your big break may be just around the corner.

VIRGO horoscope

This week, you realise what’s truly important - you! Prioritise yourself, Virgo. There’s no shame in taking steps to ensure your needs are met. Ditch people that drain you of time, energy and money. The truth is, they need you more than you need them. As soon as you start to show yourself some love, the right types will show up for you.

LIBRA horoscope

Your birthday season begins on Monday when the Sun lights up your sign. With the scales as your astro symbol, you’re always seeking balance and harmony, especially within relationships. However, it’s time to think about progressing into a bright new stage, which may mean leaving someone behind. Put yourself first and only take those that are worthy of you into your future.

SCORPIO horoscope

There’s plenty of planetary action to support setting up for your next big move. Now's the time to build your strategy. Work out exactly where you want to be in a month from now when Scorpio season hits. The more detailed your plot, the higher your chances of success will be. Journalling before bedtime and upon waking, brings your best ideas to the fore.


Something that seems too good to be true may be just that. You are an eternal optimist, but this time you need to consider the possible pitfalls. There’s a promise of utopia in the air, but if you move too quickly, you could ruin your chances. Success is your most likely outcome provided you don’t push. Bide your time and all will be well.

CAPRICORN horoscope

You stand a good chance of winning an argument at work. A push-pull situation in your career is running out of steam. Have a little more stamina than your opponent, and you’ll come out on top. Mercury encourages a professional conversation to flow in your favour and Pluto brings support from an authority figure. Hang in there.

AQUARIUS horoscope

Many Aquarians are consumed with last-minute travel preparations. The Sun spotlights your sector of overseas matters for the next few weeks, so if you haven’t already booked your itinerary, there’s still time. Sometimes, planning a holiday is as good as going on one. At the very least, check out a few idyllic destinations that suit your budget.

Week horoscopes pisces

Avoid scandalous gossip or inappropriate conversations. Both your planetary rulers make a rare connection this week, calling you towards bigger and better things, but you must tread the moral high ground. Play a smart game, and you’ll go far. Ambitious Fish have much to gain, with a promotion or bonus on the horizon. Others receive a boost to their reputation.

A self-confessed astrology nerd, Natasha’s horoscopes, research and articles have been published in Today’s Astrologer, in addition to international publications across the globe. A senior member of the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, she has presented cosmic updates for Your Life Naturally and has appeared as a special guest on podcasts, including Sivana and Healthy-ish.

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