
HOROSCOPES: Here's how to make the most out of your week, according to your star sign.


Natasha Weber is an astrology genius, and has predicted our horoscopes for the week beginning October 20. For more from Natasha follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

weekly horoscope aries

The Sun sheds light on a financial matter, as your focus shifts to money shared with a partner or institution. Ideally, you’re reshuffling your investment portfolio or figuring out how to pay back a loan minus the hefty interest. Other Rams get wind of an inheritance that’s owed to them. Whatever the case, the stars want to grow your money tree this week.

weekly horoscope

Brush away the cobwebs from a stale relationship when the Sun lights up your partnership zone on Thursday. If your love life is lacklustre, take the initiative and organise a fabulous experience or adventure. It doesn’t have to be overly gushy or romantic, just make it fresh and fun. The same goes for any partnership that is lagging. Do something about it!


Neptune’s kiss with Venus brings the gift of inspiration, but what are you going to do with it? If you sit idyll, you may miss the boat. Take your fantastic idea and run with it. Whether it’s writing a book, launching a creative endeavour, or approaching a problem from a different angle, use your insights to get the ball rolling.

cancer horoscope

Make time to have that hard conversation. Mercury’s alignment with influential Pluto helps you find the right words, but don’t procrastinate. Act now, before the communication planet begins its retrograde. Take any opportunity to get your point across. Although you feel unprepared, it’s better that you express your thoughts this week. Trust the timing.

leo horoscope

Putting your foot down is likely to get you what you want. Recent family dynamics may have left you feeling walked over, but Venus and Saturn support you in getting your way this week. The trick is to go about it nicely. You’ll get much further if you coat your words with honey than you will with vinegar. Add a splash of charm, and you can’t lose.

VIRGO horoscope

Mars is done waiting for a relationship stressor to work itself out. This week, the red planet faces off with the Moon’s nodes, bringing an issue to a head. Forewarned is forearmed, so prepare yourself for a successful outcome. Lift the lid off the pressure cooker, clear the air, and you'll be back on track sooner than you think.

LIBRA horoscope

Your financial landscape needs fertilising. Take some time this week to review your savings plan and get on top of debts. Investing wisely now reaps future rewards, setting you up for the festive season. While tempting, overspending is a big no-no. If in doubt, wait it out. You may find that after the week is over, an expensive purchase loses its shine anyway.

SCORPIO horoscope

Happy birthday Scorpio! The Sun shines in your sign from Thursday. Remember that the two weeks preceding your birthday can be a time of reflection. Withdraw if you must and ditch the guilt. From your birthday onwards, you’ll be ready to take on the world, and woe to those that try to stop you. Make sure you have a plan moving forward into your brand-new solar year.


The Sun moves into your zone of recuperation and regeneration on Thursday. Archers that have been run off their feet trying to please everyone but themselves find an opportunity to take a breather. It’s easy to think of rest as a period of non-achievement, even wasteful. But this week, it’s absolutely necessary if you’re going to expect to function at your peak.

CAPRICORN horoscope

Like opening a window to let in fresh air, Venus brings you a cosmic gift. Ask for a helping hand from a female bestie or sign up for a collaboration with your sisterhood. You’ll feel uplifted as you are buoyed by genuine support that comes from the heart. Taken Goats receive a love boost in the form of a meaningful gesture or fun night out with their sweetheart.

AQUARIUS horoscope

This week sees you ready and raring to push boundaries in your career. The Sun highlights professional ambitions that refuse to take a back seat. VIPs and higher-ups won’t be able to ignore you, should you present them with a fantastic idea. Your negotiation skills are on fire, so take advantage of an opportunity that asks you to pitch for your supper. You won’t go hungry.

Week horoscopes pisces

Venus makes beautiful music with Neptune, your planetary ruler. If you’re artistically inclined, you can create something exceptional this week. Travel is highlighted with an emphasis on relaxation and making wonderful new connections in an idyllic location. If you can’t escape, inviting friends over ensures a fabulous night that makes you feel connected in the best of ways.

A self-confessed astrology nerd, Natasha’s horoscopes, research and articles have been published in Today’s Astrologer, in addition to international publications across the globe. A senior member of the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, she has presented cosmic updates for Your Life Naturally and has appeared as a special guest on podcasts, including Sivana and Healthy-ish.

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