
HOROSCOPES: A potential proposal and big career wins: The week ahead, according to your star sign.

Natasha Weber is an astrology genius and has predicted our horoscopes for the week beginning October 18. For more from Natasha follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

A small comment triggers a big response from your partner. If it’s commitment you want, you might just get it! The Sun’s angle to Saturn puts a ring on your finger, encourages you to move in with your lover or signs you up for a shared loan. Single? You’ll pair up with a hottie that has staying power. You could last the distance, but a delicious fling isn’t a bad idea either. It’s your call, Aries.


Relationships get super intense, as the Sun enters your partnership sector on Friday. Expect the heat to last for the next four weeks as you get to the bottom of a burning issue. Dig deep for answers and confront the good, the bad and the ugly. Doing this leads you out to the other side, stronger than ever before.

Watch: Horoscopes as new mums. Post continues below. 


Video via Mamamia.


Someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes, thanks to Mercury’s clash with unpredictable Uranus. But they are no match for your smarts. Don’t let them coax you away from what you know to be true. However, pushing your point may not be in your best interest either. Sometimes, teaching someone a lesson ends up costing you more than what it’s worth. 

The most important relationship is the one we have with ourselves, and thanks to Venus’ kiss with Pluto, you feel proud of who you are. Upon reflection, you know you did the right thing, and that’s what counts. There’s much to be said for integrity - it’s the quality that grants you a clear conscience. This week, you’ll find your peace of mind.


Money matters grab your attention this week, as you're forced to reevaluate a loan, debt or your budget. Although, it’s not all bad news, Leo. Combing through your finances brings valuable information and insights, as you figure out how to navigate your budget. Take special note on what you're spending on direct debits and repeating expenditures.


Virgos feel the love when Venus embraces Jupiter. Waiting for an amorous text or looking to reignite that special spark? It’s already brewing, as someone is thinking of you and what you share. Still, they are shy about expressing their feelings. Although gung-ho isn't your style, you can safely assert your desires this week.


Don’t wait until life goes pear-shaped to realise the importance of a situation or person. Appreciate your blessings, so you can attract more of the same. Practising gratitude has been proven to elevate mood - it can actually change your body chemistry for the better! Write down three things you’re grateful for everyday, for one week and observe the benefits.


#scorpioseason begins with a bang when the Sun enters your sign on Friday. Use the first few days of the week to reflect on your past solar year. Are you happy with the choices you made? What would you do differently, if you had the chance? Collect wisdom from lessons learnt and hatch a plan to slay the upcoming twelve months. This is your fresh start.


Get set to sparkle like a diamond, Saggie. Venus is networking like a #bossbabe in your professional zone, encouraging you to get out there and sell yourself. Don’t hold back when it comes to asking for what you want - you know your worth. If one company isn’t stepping up to the plate, it means there’s a better offer around the corner. Go for gold!


If finances have been tight lately, then Venus’ collaboration with Pluto eases your burden. A friend, family member or institution may step in to help out which gets your money river flowing again. This week, give your usual frugal nature some time off and splurge on yourself. Indulging a little here and there is good for you soul, Capricorn.


The Sun’s wink to serious Saturn urges you to buckle down. While it might be a shock to your system, you’ll pick up the pace with enthusiasm. Use the extra oomph to tick off an overdue task or smash a work-related goal. Your superiors will notice your efforts, but that’s not the point. By week’s end, your self-worth and sense of value are set to skyrocket.


Venus is on fire in your relationship sector this week. Look to the positives and create more of what makes your heart sing. You have more control than you think. Fish that are unhappy in love have the power to make super positives steps to change their circumstances. Put simply, it’s up to you - what you say goes!

A self-confessed astrology nerd, Natasha’s horoscopes, research and articles have been published in Today’s Astrologer, in addition to international publications across the globe. A senior member of the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, she has presented cosmic updates for Your Life Naturally and has appeared as a special guest on podcasts, including Sivana and Healthy-ish.

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