
HOROSCOPES: A home makeover and a BIG self-care session. The week ahead according to your star sign.

Natasha Weber is an astrology genius and has predicted our horoscopes for the week beginning November 15. For more from Natasha follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

When the winds of change are blowing through your door, welcome them inside. Resisting the inevitable will only hold you back, Aries. Don’t hold onto something just because it’s familiar and comfortable. Remember that you are the bravest, most pioneering sign of the zodiac and take a leap of faith. What’s on the other side is bigger, brighter and better.


Stuck in a love rut? Mercury’s nod to Uranus, the planet of change, gives you a shove in the right direction. Couples are hit with an epiphany on how to tackle a problem from a fresh angle. Going about things differently is your answer. Singles meet an intriguing mate from an unusual or foreign background. Expect the unexpected!


Watch: Horoscopes working out. Post continues below. 

Video via Mamamia.


Welcome a new wellbeing chapter, Gemini. Twins burning the candle at both ends finally put their feet up. While others ramp up their wellness regime. It’s all about finding a sweet spot that works best for you. Don’t beat yourself up if you’ve let things slide. Instead, focus on your target goals. Sunday’s new Moon will help you hit each one.


By week's end, Venus sweetens your love life. The luxury planet glides into your romance zone, encouraging a glamorous night out. Celebrate with your darling in style, only because it feels lovely. Single? Romance yourself. Do something you’ve always wanted to do, especially if it involves spoiling yourself rotten. Oh, and ditch the guilt.


Freshen up your living space, Leo. Adding plants attracts and manifests abundance. And, you can use colour to create different moods too. Blues inspire calm, while a splash of red boosts energy. Pink brings out your divine feminine power! This week’s new Moon won’t let you rest until you’ve let your inner interior designer out to play!

Sign up for a course that expands your thinking. Upskill to strengthen your professional position or become educated in an area that interests you. You needn’t have a valid reason, just an open mind. The knowledge you gain will be invaluable down the track, if not now. Be receptive to new contacts too. Network like the boss babe you are, Virgo.


Both Venus and the new Moon trigger your money zone, asking you to examine your finances under a microscope. Once you’ve faced facts, you can get down to business. And then, you’ll feel more in control. In fact, things are brighter than you think. You may have to rejig your budget, but more fruitful times are around the corner.


All eyes are on you, Scorpio. The Sun, Mercury and Sunday’s new Moon are all hanging out in your sign. And by week’s end, Venus joins the party. It’s your time to shine! Many doors are opening, but which one should you step through? Hint; try not to get carried away with your ego. Use this window of opportunity wisely, knowing that it won’t stay open forever.


Life is picking up the pace, so why do you feel like you’re lagging? Blame Sunday’s new Moon in your zone of reflection. Rather than beating yourself up, stop for a moment. Just because everyone else is thriving at full speed doesn’t mean you have to. Dance to the beat of your own drum, Saggie. This week, just do you.


Dearest Capricorn, you’ve been pushed and pulled in many different directions. Still, this week, Venus lights a new way forward. Yet, the love planet isn’t concerned with any relationship other than the one you have with yourself. So now, it’s time to prioritise your needs. Indulge in self-care. Pamper, primp and nurture your soul.


Looking for a glowing recommendation or a leg up? Ask a female team leader or coworker for a favour. They’ll see it as a mutually beneficial arrangement, so don’t be shy. You’re ready to hustle, and the new Moon has your back. Be confident about your abilities, because if you don’t believe in yourself, how can you expect anyone else to?


A power struggle with a bestie, sibling or parent comes to a head, as the Sun’s wink to Jupiter gives you the chance to say your bit. Once you get things off your chest, you’ll be receptive to reconciliation. But until then, you need to be heard. Write down your thoughts to ensure you don’t leave anything out.

A self-confessed astrology nerd, Natasha’s horoscopes, research and articles have been published in Today’s Astrologer, in addition to international publications across the globe. A senior member of the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, she has presented cosmic updates for Your Life Naturally and has appeared as a special guest on podcasts, including Sivana and Healthy-ish.


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