
HOROSCOPES: Exactly what's going to happen this week, according to your star sign.

Natasha Weber is an astrology genius, and has predicted all of our horoscopes for the week beginning November 11. For more from Natasha follow her on Instagram and Facebook


weekly horoscope

Feisty Mars, your planetary ruler, is put to the test when it enters your zone of relaxation on Friday. You are usually bursting with get-up-and-go but the red planet is demanding that you take some time out for yourself. When was the last time you did just that? Ditch the guilt, indulge in some pampering and treat your body, mind and soul like the temple that it is.

taurus horoscope

Venus shifts gears and then launches forward by week’s end. As she picks up speed, the love planet glows in your daily routine sector. Singles can expect to meet someone special at work or during their usual 9 to 5 grind. The connection is sure to be intoxicating, so enjoy the ride whilst keeping your expectations real. Committed Bulls should see smoother sailing on the relationship front.

GEMINI horoscope

A power struggle takes centre stage this week due to the Sun’s dance with Pluto. You will gain respect, if you can stand your ground. Don’t be afraid to speak up for what you know you deserve. Light is shed on a financial issue, revealing an opportunity to grow your money tree. This may involve entering into a partnership, negotiation or contract. You are clever Gemini, so use your smarts and research your options.

cancer horoscope

You are the quintessential Moon child, and this week La Luna gives you itchy feet when she collides with Mars in your travel zone. If abandoning all responsibilities and catching the next flight to an idyllic location is way too unrealistic, book a quaint B&B or explore a pretty local spot. The important thing is to get out of your comfort zone and expand your horizons.

leo horoscope

Mars catapults into your zone of intimacy, so get your sexy on Leo. The urge to reach out to someone that you’ve had your eye on for awhile may overtake your sensibilities by week’s end. Provided you are not overstepping any boundaries and your moral compass is switched on, go for it! A hot financial opportunity could present itself but don’t be hasty.

VIRGO horoscope

This week, trickster Mercury hits the cosmic brakes and goes retrograde for the third and final time in 2018. Back up your technology devices, double check all communications and be super clear when you send text messages or emails. In spite of Mercury retrograde's dire reputation, it is a good time to reassess your goals. Are you heading in your desired direction, Virgo?

LIBRA horoscope

Librans have a special affinity with beautiful Venus and as she launches forward in your sign on Friday, you experience a positive and peaceful vibe. Relationship woes melt away or are just not as important as they seems to be. Loved up Librans find that romance is high on the agenda, so if your partner’s organisational skills are hopeless, take the initiative and plan a spectacular date night.

SCORPIO horoscope

Dynamic Mars has his last hurrah in your zone of home and family and he is not going out without a bang! Expect some heat during an argument, conversation or interaction with a relative. Count to ten if you feel you’re going to say something you’ll later regret. If you are renovating or undertaking home repairs you may hit a snag but by next week, the problem will be resolved.


As the week begins with the Moon travelling through your 12th house, you are inspired to recharge your batteries. Don’t push things now. If you can manage to schedule some chillax moments, your mental and emotional state will reap the benefits tenfold and you’ll be ready to roar when the Moon has moved on by Wednesday.

CAPRICORN horoscope

The Moon connects with serious Saturn in your sign at the start of the week when a problem or a tricky circumstance needs to be handled conservatively. If in doubt, wait it out. These things often have a way of resolving themselves without potentially doing further damage to an already delicate situation. Remind yourself that patience is a virtue.

AQUARIUS horoscope

Happy days, Aquarius! La Luna dances into your sign on Wednesday, partnering with joyful Jupiter. If you’ve been feeling a little glum lately, expect your spirits to soar when lady luck smiles on you. A burden, problem or a heavy heart is miraculously lifted or healed. Don’t ask why, how or when. Just trust that divine order has everything sorted.

Week horoscopes pisces

Mars gives you a boost when the fiery planet of action, motivation and drive catapults into your sign on Friday. You’ll have extra pep-in-your-step and energy to burn. Don’t waste this cosmic gift by expending your efforts in a negative manner; gossip, excessive partying or arguing is not the way to go. Instead, focus on ticking off your to-do list or begin a dream project.


A self confessed astrology nerd, Natasha’s horoscopes, research and articles have been published in Today’s Astrologer, in addition to international publications across the globe. A senior member of the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, she has presented cosmic updates for Your Life Naturally and has appeared as a special guest on podcasts, including Sivana and Healthy-ish.

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