
HOROSCOPES: A "love boost" and a friendship purge. The week ahead according to your star sign.

Natasha Weber is an astrology genius and has predicted our horoscopes for the week beginning May 2. For more from Natasha, follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

Money matters dominate when Venus activates your financial sphere. Wealth creation is the name of the game, so think hard about how to increase your earnings. The cosmos opens a window, but you’ll need to do your part too, Aries. Say yes to every chance you get to grow your savings. And if you’re tempted to spend beyond your means, just don’t.


By mid-week, Mercury makes you think hard about what’s important, and chances are, you’ll have a choice to make. So that you’re not deciding under pressure, write a list of pros and cons at the start of the week. That way, you’ll weigh the possibilities before the heat turns up. When all else fails, follow your heart - and Venus in your sign will guide you with a special sign.


Watch: Horoscopes as new mums. Post continues below. 

Video via Mamamia.

You’re a smart cookie, Gemini. But when clever Mercury, your planetary ruler, enters your sign on Tuesday, your mental powers are superfied! A snippet of confidential information comes to light, helping to clear the fog and light the best path forward. Then, you’ll know exactly what to do and say to achieve your objective. Until you’re sure, stay silent.


Your friendship zone is crammed with planets; Mercury, Venus, the Sun and Uranus demand a purge! Cut ties with anyone that isn’t 100 per cent in your corner. You know, those people that smile at you while they silently stab you in the back. Jealousy has a low vibration, so do your best to distance yourself from green-eyed frenemies, Cancer.


Make sure you’re on your best behaviour when Venus’ wink to superplanet Pluto connects you with a highly influential woman. Depending on your line of work, this boss babe has the power to move a professional mountain. Still, you’ll have to prove your worth. Show off your skills, and you’ll have no problem impressing her.


You may be standing at a crossroad when your planetary ruler triggers the zenith of your chart. It’s not too late to retract something you regret. Mercury will put the right words in your mouth if that’s what you want. However, if you choose to stand by your actions, all power to you! Ultimately, it’s your decision. Just make sure you’re crystal clear on the consequences of both choices.


The Sun’s collaboration with committed Saturn inspires you to move forward with a creative project. This is good news for artists and dreamers and Librans finishing off a practical endeavour that requires thinking outside the box. Mercury’s move means this week is all about brilliant brainstorming. So, get your thinking cap on, Libra!


With Pluto in retrograde, your mood is introverted. As you weigh up who and what really matters, you're shocked at the conclusions you arrive at. Personal revelations bubble up from deep within, particularly concerning relationships with woman - and money. La Luna suggests prioritising your own needs. Doing that isn't selfish; it's simply smart.


You’ll be actioning all things wellness, Saggi. Whether you’re connecting with yogis, committing to exercise or delving into detox, your health is the central focus this week. Prevention is better than cure, so it pays to clean up your wellbeing act even if you’re feeling fine. Some Archers meet a doctor or naturopath that provides answers to a long-standing health enigma.


Pluto is retrograding through your sign, but this week, the passion planet brings a love boost. By week’s end, you’ll be getting your sexy on, and for singles, a new connection has long-lasting potential. Couples get swept up in romantic nostalgia as they reminisce over a beautiful memory. Does life get in the way of your sex life? That’s all about to change!


The Sun’s alignment with Saturn on Monday highlights a relationship with an older friend, mentor or relative. This person has valuable information to share or they are showing you something important by example. Watch them closely and learn, Aquarius. In their own way, this person is a shining star. Following their lead will take you far.


Mercury motivates you to declutter and reorganise. First, begin with a deep clean. Sort through draws and cupboards, toss the junk and give the rest to charity. The energy in your home will feel lighter and brighter when you’ve purged ‘stuff’ that serves no purpose and brings no joy. Once you’re done, settle in for a Netflix binge in your comfy sanctuary.

A self-confessed astrology nerd, Natasha’s horoscopes, research and articles have been published in Today’s Astrologer, in addition to international publications across the globe. A senior member of the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, she has presented cosmic updates for Your Life Naturally and has appeared as a special guest on podcasts, including Sivana and Healthy-ish.


Feature Image: Mamamia.

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