
HOROSCOPES: The exciting week ahead, according to your star sign.



Natasha Weber is an astrology genius, and has predicted all of our horoscopes for the week beginning May 26. For more from Natasha follow her on Instagram and Facebook

weekly horoscope

La Luna lends her magic at the start of the week when she glows in your communication sphere. Rams toying with the idea of doing a public speaking course should step up to the plate. Even if you’re not interested in pursuing a career in the limelight, the experience will boost your negotiation skills in your workplace. Inevitably, this will lead to making more money.

taurus horoscope

Loving Venus makes beautiful music with passion planet Pluto this week. Relationship woes smooth out as problems melt away. You’ll be feeling all the feels as will your adoring partner. Single Bulls are likely to meet an attractive love interest with an intense streak. Ask yourself if the highest of highs will be worth the inevitable lows. There’ll be no happy medium with this one.

GEMINI horoscope

Something wonderful is brewing for you Gemini. The new Moon acts like an aphrodisiac when it marks your sign. Relationships are highlighted, especially forming new and exciting ones. There’s someone special just around the corner that can help guide you through a significant shift. Open your heart and let them in. This one’s a keeper.

cancer horoscope

Let your feelings guide you towards making the right decision. Intellectual Mercury moves into your sign on Wednesday opening a pathway between your heart and your mind. The correct way forward will be clear if you tune into your instincts. Trust yourself. Now is not the time to overthink and rationalise. Outside advice whilst well meaning, is not necessarily in your best interest now.

leo horoscope

A tidal wave of emotion floods you with sentimentality by week’s end. Either you thought you were over a sweetheart, only to find that a memory brings back the past or you are triggered by one small remark. Allow the flood gates to open. Cry the tears. All will be cleansed and cleared if you can let it out. It’s just part of the healing process.

VIRGO horoscope

You may be feeling a bit more tired than usual by week’s end. This is because the Moon is drifting through your zone of rest and recuperation. You may require more than physical respite if you are emotionally burnt out. Your zest for life will return with a bang but for now try to spend some time alone collecting your thoughts and preparing for a busy weekend ahead.

LIBRA horoscope

The new Moon in your zone of higher learning demands that you expand your way of thinking. Feeling stuck? Climb out of the rut by being more open minded. Consider an option that is totally out of left field. There’s a golden opportunity available to you but you must first let go of an outdated attitude. Only then, will you be free to explore a new and improved path.

SCORPIO horoscope

If your health is under par, this week brings answers. You will either receive test results, advice or come across a piece of information through social media that helps you get your spark back. The news may not come until week’s end, so hold tight and nurture yourself. It’s surprising how a very small change can make a huge improvement to your wellbeing.


Something big is about to shift for Saggies. Jupiter is playing with electric Uranus and this cosmic combo will have you yelling “thank goodness that’s over!” If your heart has been holding out for an ex or a current lover that hasn’t stepped up, or if you’re clinging onto a job you despise, it’s time to let go, exhale and step into the beautiful unknown.

CAPRICORN horoscope

Look to the bright side and turn your focus away from small imperfections in your relationship. If you set your sights on what you love about your partner, you’ll be surprised at the satisfaction that follows. Singles are likely to meet a nurturing, caring type. Open up and let them in if you are looking for something deeper and more meaningful.

AQUARIUS horoscope

You have permission from the cosmos to set aside heavy responsibilities in favour of fun this week. Think of it as therapy. Get in touch with your inner child. Perhaps you even allow your wild child out to play. As long as you are not harming anyone else, dropping your emotional defences and letting loose will refresh your spirit and soul.

Week horoscopes pisces

La Luna begins a new cycle in your home and family sector. An issue concerning your children or parents may finally come to a close, making room for a fresh start. The trick to a great beginning is opening the channels of communication. Discuss any concerns, fears or worries from the onset. Get super clear about your expectations moving forwards.

A self confessed astrology nerd, Natasha’s horoscopes, research and articles have been published in Today’s Astrologer, in addition to international publications across the globe. A senior member of the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, she has presented cosmic updates for Your Life Naturally and has appeared as a special guest on podcasts, including Sivana and Healthy-ish.

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