
HOROSCOPES: The cosmic week heading into 2019, according to the planets.

Natasha Weber is an astrology genius, and has predicted all of our horoscopes for the week beginning December 30. For more from Natasha follow her on Instagram and Facebook

weekly horoscope

You’ll be fired up and ready take on the world when dynamic Mars catapults into your sign on Tuesday. Be clever about how you use the extra energy. Otherwise, it could backfire. Avoid argumentative people and stressful situations like the plague. Instead, get motivated and reach for the stars. A drastic shake-up for the better is possible but it’s up to you to make it happen.

taurus horoscope

The Moon illuminates your sign on Saturday, amplifying an emotional situation or confrontation. If someone has upset you, examine your response rather than focusing on the details of who is right and who is wrong. You stand to gain a great deal of personal insight and will emerge stronger. Rally your tribe around you for moral support if you need back-up. The Universe is on your side.

GEMINI horoscope

The Moon glows in your partnership sphere on Wednesday, leading you to someone that will be wonderfully helpful to you, if you are open to receive. For singles, this gift comes in the form of a potential new relationship. On first glance, this person may not knock your socks off but in the long-term this union could develop into something deep and beautiful. Other Geminis make a connection that can assist them either professionally or personally.

cancer horoscope

Mercury’s clash with the Moon’s Node may cause some friction with a coworker, associate or your boss. Remain calm and then remove yourself from the battleground to prepare your rebuttal. Returning with a well-constructed argument will see you win in the end. If verbal bullets have pierced your tough crab shell, indulge in a movie or off-load to a friend over a vino. All will be forgotten by next week.

leo horoscope

You may feel an inexplicable desire to retreat from social activity this week. Venus supports time spent in solitude to reflect on lessons from 2018. Meditation or journaling will bring brilliant clarity on your future goals. If you need some extra support, seek out a therapist or mentor to help guide you. This is not about being depressed or lacking direction but more about becoming the best version of yourself.

VIRGO horoscope

A ton of cosmic activity tantalises your zone of play and creativity by week’s end. Put on your party shoes and have some fun, Virgo! Ditching your usual conservative demeanor and unleashing your inner rebel brings a new zest for life. You may fall back on your deadlines but relax, you’ll catch up next week. You are likely to tap into a latent artistic talent or skill set.

LIBRA horoscope

The Sun’s dance with Saturn on Wednesday temporarily dulls your vibe. Worrying over a family problem is futile because in the end, the matter will resolve itself. Perhaps you have taken on too much responsibility and it’s time to relinquish control and admit that you can’t do everything alone. Surrender. Allow the situation to unfold and you’ll be surprised at how much easier life becomes.

SCORPIO horoscope

You may be feeling restricted on Wednesday when the Sun dances with serious Saturn. There’s nothing wrong with exploring your limitations and pushing boundaries provided you maintain integrity and decency. The trick is to find freedom in a way that allows you to spread your wings without hurting anyone else’s feelings. Committed Scorpios should think twice before dipping their toes in forbidden waters.


Pay attention to coincidental signs or symbols as they are leading you towards your life’s purpose. The path will become clearer now that both Mercury and Jupiter are hanging out in your sign and the Universe is rolling out the red carpet for you. Take advantage of an opportunity that pushes you out of your comfort zone on Wednesday. Hold your head high and boldly walk through new doors that are opening wide for you.

CAPRICORN horoscope

So many plans, so little time! On Saturday, Mercury’s jaunt through your personal sector gets you thinking about what you want and what is no longer floating your boat. The Moon enters your sign on the same day, stirring a sentimental feeling and a desire to hang on. In time, you will understand that greener pastures wait your arrival but in order to get there, something needs to give. Trust that the Universe has your back.

AQUARIUS horoscope

The Sun’s positive connection with Neptune on Saturday, inspires you to find a creative solution to lingering money woes. Make paying off debts a priority and seek out a brand new way to save your cash. You may be offered an opportunity to increase your wealth through your artistic talents or by thinking outside the box this week. Believe in your unique ability. Someone sees what you have to offer as highly valuable.

Week horoscopes pisces

A yearning for adventure takes hold when the Moon flows through your travel sector on Monday. You may be thinking about far-away lands and bold experiences. Plan an exciting itinerary that explores new cultural horizons. Fish that are currently overseas will have the time of their lives on Tuesday but may make an extravagant purchase that will be later regretted.

A self confessed astrology nerd, Natasha’s horoscopes, research and articles have been published in Today’s Astrologer, in addition to international publications across the globe. A senior member of the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, she has presented cosmic updates for Your Life Naturally and has appeared as a special guest on podcasts, including Sivana and Healthy-ish. 

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