
HOROSCOPES: The starry week ahead, according to your star sign.

Natasha Weber is an astrology genius, and has predicted all of our horoscopes for the week beginning December 2. For more from Natasha follow her on Instagram and Facebook

weekly horoscope

Give careful consideration to a potential business collaboration that's presented to you at the start of the week when the Moon shifts into your sphere of partnerships. Profit is inevitable but harmonious teamwork is equally important for the sake of your sanity. If you feel that both these boxes are ticked, you have the Universe’s thumbs up to proceed. During negotiations, crystal clear communication is key.

taurus horoscope

Although the red planet Mars clashes with the Sun on Monday, don’t allow anyone to dampen your mood. A friend may try to subtly undermine you, cause a stir or an outright argument. You may be quiet Taurus but when it comes to standing your ground you are a tower of strength. Your friend has most likely been possessed by the green monster and is jealous of you or something you have recently acquired.

GEMINI horoscope

Mercury, your planetary ruler, will no longer be in retrograde by the end the week. Given that Mercury rules communication and will soon be entering your relationship sphere, express any genuine feelings that you have been holding back. Whether you need to speak up in a business partnership or get something off your chest to your lover, wait until the weekend, when the timing is in your favour.

cancer horoscope

Venus leaves you blind sighted at the start of the week when you’re confronted by something that you just didn’t see coming. Prepare for the unexpected and remain flexible as you may have to defend yourself at a moment’s notice. The end of the week brings relief as Mercury ends his rewind in your love zone, giving you the chance to re-calibrate and focus on self-care.

leo horoscope

Venus sweetens your home life, bringing a lighter tone to family interactions. If you are planning to attend a large gathering, wedding or party expect a joyous celebration that offers the chance to bury the hatchet with a relative or close friend. The festive season is a time for forgiveness, even for proud Leos. A magnanimous approach will gain you respect.

VIRGO horoscope

You are one of the cleverest signs of the zodiac, so when intellectual Mercury, your planetary ruler, is no longer stifled by its retrograde you can shine in a course, training program or by achieving top study results. If your line of work requires you to think on your feet, you will excel. Given that Mercury’s shift isn’t due until the end of the week, plan to showcase your smarts then.

LIBRA horoscope

The week kicks off with the Moon glowing in your sign, reminding you of what is most important. Quality friends and family are priorities but your own mental, emotional and physical wellbeing should top the list. Strive to achieve the correct balance between work and play and don’t compromise or give away your precious time and energy just because you feel obliged. Call your own shots this week.

SCORPIO horoscope

Your confidence receives a boost when the planet of love enters your sign on Monday. Venus wants to bestow you with her gifts but you must be ready to receive. A happy, solid relationship requires work but if you don’t feel deserving no amount of cosmic blessings will stick. You have so much depth, loyalty and passion to offer. Believe in your inner beauty and you will attract others that believe the same. Like seeks like.


There’s a ton of astro activity occurring in your sign Sagittarius. Ample opportunities are ripe for the picking this week, especially when the new Moon glows in your sign on Friday. A fresh start is possible and this time, you’ll be wiser as a result of a past lesson. Use your acquired wisdom to make better choices and only chose quality people to share your inner world.

CAPRICORN horoscope

You may be told a little white lie or not have all the facts at your disposal when Neptune aligns with the Sun. It’s best not to jump to conclusions if you are not 100 per cent certain that your suspicions are correct. If you feel the need to pursue the truth, wait until next week when Neptune’s fog has cleared and master messenger Mercury is no longer in retrograde. Avoid making false accusations at all costs.

AQUARIUS horoscope

You may be given an opportunity to land a big job, sign a lucrative deal or negotiate an important contract this week when Venus enters your career zone. The catch is that Mercury’s rewind may cause your success to fall through in the long term. If at all possible, stall sealing deals until next week. If you have no choice but to move forward, you’ll have to surrender and trust in the bigger picture.

Week horoscopes pisces

Friday’s new Moon connects with Neptune, your planetary ruler, leaving you with mixed feelings over a relationship. Should you walk away of should you stay? Only you know the answer but Mercury’s retrograde is not an ideal time to make big decisions. Hold off communicating your thoughts and misgivings until you are completely sure. You will know in your gut when to make your move, one way or another.

A self confessed astrology nerd, Natasha’s horoscopes, research and articles have been published in Today’s Astrologer, in addition to international publications across the globe. A senior member of the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, she has presented cosmic updates for Your Life Naturally and has appeared as a special guest on podcasts, including Sivana and Healthy-ish.


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