
HOROSCOPES: Relationship friction and sexual freedom. The week ahead, according to your star sign.

Natasha Weber is an astrology genius and has predicted our horoscopes for the week beginning August 23. For more from Natasha follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

Thursday is a big day for Rams when assertive Mars aligns with the Moon’s Node, signalling a moment of triumph. You’ll be victorious over a bully, or a circumstance where you’ve felt pressured. Sexually speaking, set yourself free, Aries. With the right partner, stepping outside your comfort zone is liberating. You'll be empowered to become the goddess you truly are!


You’re gifted with a fabulous idea or a flash of inspiration on Wednesday, and thanks to talented Mercury’s kiss with inventive Uranus, it’s a doozy! The trouble is, Uranus’ retrograde puts a spanner in the works, so you're prevented from taking action. Nevertheless, every successful outcome begins with a brilliant thought. It’s a good start.


Watch: Horoscopes and virtual dating. Post continues below. 

Video via Mamamia.


All your scheming and planning comes to fruition by week’s end. You’ve been cooking this one up for ages, and now it’s time to blossom. Mars steely determination sees all your hard work pays off. One word of advice; don't procrastinate. Otherwise, this opportunity may pass you by. Carpe diem!

Venus’ face-off with Jupiter causes relationship friction. Yet, by Wednesday, you’ll breathe a sigh of relief. Together, you and your man have got this. Side by side is where you’re strongest, so don’t allow a frenemy to infiltrate where she doesn’t belong. Singles meet their match, either online or through a meddling (but well-intentioned) relative.


Money matters are on your mind when the Sun shines in your cash zone. Things are looking up on the financial front, and you couldn’t be happier, so grow your wealth while the going is good. That might mean making a shrewd investment or investigating a side hustle. You needn’t reach your goals overnight but do begin the process this week.


Happy birthday Virgo! The Sun glows in your sign from Sunday, but don’t be surprised if it takes you a while to warm up. A few days before your actual birthday, Le Soleil lurks in the shadows before rising to its full glory. This week, the same goes for you. Before your big day, it’s wise to rest and reflect on your goals for the upcoming solar year.


Your relationship with a bestie or your sweetheart is due for a spring clean. With Mars preparing for his retrograde, you’re urged to address lingering issues sooner rather than later. Allowing small irritations to fester erodes trust, so bite the bullet and talk about your concerns. Chances are, the problem will be resolved without too much fuss.


The Sun unites you with a sister, mother or a bestie that’s both grounding and supportive. Whether you connect on FaceTime, a walk to the shops or over text, she’ll have sensible advice for you. Be open to her suggestions. As a friend and confidant, you’re a great listener. And, you’re also the best sign at keeping secrets!


Thinking about a professional shake-up? Although the rest of the world is in chaos, the Sun shines in your work sector. Saturday is your power day, so make your move by week’s end. Or, at least set the wheels in motion. If a complete sea change is out of the question, try resetting your goals. Either way, you’re due for a career upgrade.


You’ll have to psyche yourself up when Mars and Saturn clash on Tuesday. Swallowing your pride feels more like drinking poison, but it must be done. Whether you have to ask a family member for a loan or admit you were wrong, you won’t like it. But once all is said and done, a great sense of relief washes over you.


You’re anything but stale and boring, Aquarius. Still, that’s exactly how you’re beginning to feel. Shake it off! When the Sun illuminates your transformation sphere, you can dramatically turn around an area of life that’s hit a roadblock. All it takes is an attitude change-up, and on Saturday, Mercury and Jupiter make that easy for you.


Contract revisions and business negotiations proceed smoothly this week. You'll come out on top, so make confident demands. You know your worth, Pisces. By week’s end, discussions reach a triumphant climax with the help of Mercury’s wink to lucky Jupiter. On a personal note, a misunderstanding with a loved one is resolved diplomatically.

A self-confessed astrology nerd, Natasha’s horoscopes, research and articles have been published in Today’s Astrologer, in addition to international publications across the globe. A senior member of the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, she has presented cosmic updates for Your Life Naturally and has appeared as a special guest on podcasts, including Sivana and Healthy-ish.

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