
The 11 emotional stages of getting away for a mini-break.

Yarra Valley - Dandenong Ranges
Thanks to our brand partner, Yarra Valley - Dandenong Ranges


Life is way too stressful these days.

A few weeks ago, I was so stressed that I didn’t even realise I was stressed – I’d go to work on a Monday, fit errands and gym around work, and then suddenly it’d be Friday afternoon and I didn’t know how.

I needed a rest. I needed time away with my girlfriends. I needed a mini-break.

bouncing with energy

Here are the 11 emotional stages of a mini-break, based on my most recent trip of a lifetime to Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges.

Jealous much? You should be. Anyway…

1. Anxiety.

In the week leading up to the mini-break, everything slows down by at least 50 per cent. I’ve told absolutely everyone in the office/houseshare/confectionery aisle of the supermarket that I am going away this weekend, just to see the spark of jealousy in their eyes. How is it only Tuesday?

2. Desperation.

It’s Friday morning and I’m going straight from work this afternoon. Clearly, I’m not going to be able to be productive today. Let me just respond to these four zillion emails and then I’ll look at more pictures of the cottage/spa retreat I’m going to.

3. Trepidation.

It’s here. We’ve jumped in the car and we’re on our way, with only an hour until we get there. My friends and I are going on the most ridiculously amazing trip to the Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges, and I’m nervous. Why? Because I may actually explode with excitement.

“I may actually explode with excitement.”

4. Disbelief.

It’s only the first morning and we’ve already achieved so much. Solved the world’s problems, eaten two wheels of cheese at a picturesque dairy, discussed our friends’ new boyfriends in extreme detail and drunk half a bottle of wine. I’m in shock by how far away I feel from work. The four zillion emails from yesterday feel like weeks ago. What deadline?

5. Acceptance.

An afternoon cider and a decadent lunch, and we’ve accepted our fate for the weekend. We already have in-jokes that will probably give us fits of giggles for the rest of the trip. We are surrounded by the most picturesque countryside and we’ve been chatting to the locals about important things like red wine and the best place to get a massage tomorrow. Sigh.

“An afternoon cider and a decadent lunch, and we’ve accepted our fate for the weekend. We already have in-jokes that will probably give us fits of giggles for the rest of the trip.”

6. Bliss.

By the first night, we’ve eaten more glorious food than Matt Preston on Masterchef, and we’re so blissed out that we barely have the energy to look through the ten thousand photos we took of our day.

7. More bliss (Blissier? Blister?)

I slept so deeply there could have been an earthquake during the night and I wouldn’t have known about it The deep sleep of a girl who has forgotten her troubles, turned off her phone, and given in to the nature of things. Until the alarm wakes her up so she can do a hot air balloon ride with her two best friends and remember it as one of the greatest experiences of her life. Ugh, if I MUST.

8. Wisdom.

“You know what? This is the life. This is what it’s all about. Good wines, good friends, a beautiful view”. Mini-breaks should be a religion.

9. Depression.

We’ve only got an hour left. Cram in more wine. Shove in more cheese. Reminisce about the last 48 hours. Marvel at how relaxed we feel.

10. Regret.

WHY DID WE GO HOME? We message each other and discuss moving to Yarra Valley as a permanent holiday. We also start throwing around dates for three months from now, for when we no doubt will need another dose.

11. Foresight.

We’ve booked it. Middle of August, we are off again. I’m already twitching with bliss-excitement. Alright, time to get back to those four zillion emails. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Do you get stressed out at work? How often do you and your friends go on weekend getaways?

Click through to see more photos of the trip in Yarra Valley.

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The woman who tricked her entire family into thinking she was on the other side of the world.

How the hell do you make friends as an adult?

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