
"I was a fat bride and I will never regret that."


 Why feel guilty about the best day of your life?

There are many things I can tell you about my wedding day.

I can tell you it was one of my favourite days of my whole life.

We were surrounded by family and friends. We had people travel from as far away as Toronto, Canada to be with us, and we felt genuinely loved.

Here are some real wedding regrets from The Motherish team…

I was so happy with my dress, and I would count wearing flat shoes as one of the smartest decisions I’ve ever made.

It was the hottest day in February, and I forgot to wear the bolero jacket that my mother-in-law made for me.

But there’s one thing I can’t tell you about that day.

I can’t tell you what I weighed.

Alys and her husband Ian. image supplied – Judy McClintock.

I didn’t starve myself. I didn’t go on an intense health kick in the weeks and months beforehand. I certainly didn’t become a gym junkie.


I wasn’t weighing in daily in an effort to slim down for the ‘perfect’ bridal body. I didn’t even own a set of scales. I still don’t.

I’d like to tell you I didn’t crash diet my way to my wedding in an effort to prove a body confident, health at every size, feminist point – though I subscribe to all of those philosophies.

Alys and Ian and their bridal party. image supplied – Judy McClintock.

The truth is, I was busy and was focused on other things, and I just don’t think about my body very often. I think about my work, I think about my kids, I think about my marriage (as opposed to my wedding day).

I guess there are some things I regret about my wedding day but they’re pretty trivial when all is said and done.

I regret that I only had one glass of champagne. Everyone else enjoyed a bunch of free booze, I feel like I missed an opportunity.

Alys and Ian, with their son William. image supplied.

I regret not finding a bigger venue. We were on a budget and we had to squeeze everyone into a tiny church. It was a bit uncomfortable.

But I don’t regret being a fat bride. After all, what is there to regret about the day I stood up in front of the whole world and promised to honour and cherish the love of my life?

Do you have any wedding day regrets?


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