
21 things I hope my husband-to-be knows.

I just want to make sure we’re on the same page before we say I do.

I’ve been engaged for a while now, and as we finally start knuckling down and at least think about making plans I wanted to write a list of things I hope my future husband knows before he marries me.

After eight years together some things go without saying, but it’s still nice to say them sometimes anyway.

1. I love you – Obvious I know, but I probably don’t say it enough. I hope you know how much.

2. I care what you think – About the wedding, about the kids, about the decisions I make. Please don’t grunt when I ask a question, I’m not asking because I have to, I’m asking because I care.

3. I can’t wait to marry you – Sure you took seven years to ask, but we got there.

4. I don’t want the big white wedding, I want you – I think you know this but, just in case you don’t, I’m not your typical bride. I want our wedding to signify a marriage, not be a party for the sake of having a party.

5. I probably won’t change – Sadly I don’t think a ring will make me tidier, and I really don’t want to learn to mow the lawn. If we can keep things as they are that would be great. Love you.

Back in the beginning. We've come so far.

6. You’ve given me so much – We both know this could have turned out very differently for me. But you never wavered. You never left my side. You’ve given me everything I ever wanted, and more. Thank you.


7. You should be proud – You’re an amazing partner, and an amazing Dad. You are the perfect partner in crime and the best father and role model I could ever want for our children. I hope you’re proud of what you’ve achieved.

8. We can do this – We had a whirlwind romance of epic proportions, and we got through it. If we can survive what the last eight years has thrown at us we can survive anything.

You ever stuck around after that time I dyed my hair blonde and got a mum cut.

9. I love your family – They treated me like one of the family from day one. I am so thankful such amazing people raised you. People who value family and show respect and love unconditionally.

10. I also love my family – Yes they are crazy and nuts (pun intended) but they are mine. And they raised me with the same values your family raised you. So yes, that means I’ll continue talking to my mum every day.

11. Our wedding will be ours – I know we’re in the middle of making some big decisions but honestly, as long as you’re there and the kids are there, I’ll be happy. The rest is just a bonus.

12. Life won’t get easier – We’re still young (so anyone over 35 tells me) and we have so much we still have to learn. As long as we help each other through the high highs and the low lows we’ll be fine.

13. You are hilarious – I know I always groan when you make your stupid jokes but secretly I find them hilarious.


14. I also think I’m hilarious – Just laugh please. For both our sake’s.

15. You are the best Dad in the entire world – You know you are. At least I hope you know so.

16. Our kids are awesome – I think it’s the perfect combination of genes, don’t you reckon.

One of our family adventures.

17. I don’t hate the dogs – There I said it, let’s move on shall we?

18. I hope you know what you mean to us – Maybe we don’t say it all the time, but the kids and I adore you.

19. I know I can’t sing, sorry – But I won’t be stopping any time soon. *puts iTunes on*

20. I can’t wait to see more of the world with you – If only I had convinced you earlier we should travel. Better late than never though, right? I love our crazy adventures.

21. I love you – Wait, what? I said that already? Okay, good. Just making sure we covered it.

Is there anything you want your significant other to know?

Want more? Try this:

"One year on, I still love the way he proposed."

The best "propose to me already" nudge over.

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