
The wedding fails that come straight out of your nightmares.

Weddings are a funny thing. Once a subject of school girl imagination, they become a delicate beast when a silver band is slipped on that finger.

The day has to be perfect. You spend 18 months planning every single miniature detail, hoping you will get commended on your excellent choice of napkin holders, or the embossed name card you so meticulously picked out.

You promise yourself if, God forbid, anything were to go wrong, you’d stay calm and poised.

Unlike Kate Hudson's character in Bride Wars. Image via 20th Century Fox.

Yet, the following real-life fails are bound to test even the most collected of brides:

1. The guy who took one too many visits to the open bar.

"There was one guy who got so drunk, just completely wrote himself off. And then the bride was in tears yelling "you promised you wouldn't do this!"

2. Just because you're family doesn't mean you have to like each other.

"The brother-in-law tried to throw a chair at the groom."

It's never a good time when the guests get gastro. Image via Bridesmaids/Universal Pictures.

"My mum and my sister were bitching about my dad in the bathroom and my poor, lovely, step mum was trapped listening in the cubicle."

3. The over-sharers.

"The bride and groom were really young and later on in the night the guests all started saying that they shouldn't be getting married."

4. When the pre-wedding cleanse goes, horribly, horribly wrong.

"One client had gastro on the day of her wedding," Reddit user Totally25 said. " I spent the entire night trying to wipe off the diarrhea from her dress."

5. The wedding fail that was so awkward it made The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. 

6. When the Maid of Honour steals the show.

"After the wedding, we found out the photographer had become enamored with the MOH and at least 50 per cent of the pictures he took were of her. There were zero portraits of just the bride and groom," Reddit user fearlessandinventive said.

7. The one where everything that could go wrong, goes wrong,

"The bride vomited and peed on her wedding dress due to drinking too much, the groom threw a glass through a window because he was pissed that other guests were fighting, and an engaged couple broke up with the lady taking her ring off and throwing it at her now ex-fiance," Reddit user fire-borne said.  "This was all at one wedding. The cops came and shut the whole thing down by 10:30pm."

Have you ever witnessed a wedding fail? Let us know in the comments below. 

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