I’m what you might call a reluctant bride.
I’ve never been the marrying kind. But it’s important to my partner (I don’t even really like to say the word fiance, it feels so strange).
I’m definitely in this relationship for better or worse and until death us do part. But the idea of standing up in front of lots of people to say things I usually only say privately gives me the heebie jeebies. But he really wants to be married, so front up in a white dress on the appointed day I will.
We've compromised and agreed to a very small affair. Close family and close friends only. Ideally, I would like to know all of the wedding guests personally.
We've sent out our invitations. One of our guests is a close friend of my partner's. I have met him before and he's a nice guy, but he's not exactly my BFF.
Read more: This is what happens when you leave the invitations up to the groom.
He replied to the invitation saying he and his girlfriend would love to be there.
Only problem is, neither my partner or I have met the girlfriend. They've been together for about two months now. This is not exactly a long term relationship.
I don't want the girlfriend to come. I feel awkward enough about the whole wedding anyway, not to mention that I'm not really into the whole idea of forking out a few hundred for the reception for her either.
My partner knows I don't feel comfortable with her coming. But he doesn't want to ring his mate to tell him not to bring her. He's not my friend, so I don't think it should be up to me.
I can't emphasis enough how anxious enough I feel about this wedding, let alone the idea of a complete stranger being there.
What should I do?
Do you have any advice for the bride?
The invites about to land in your post box are quirky, random and completely left of field. From old school photos, to your dogs inviting guests on behalf of you, SCROLL THROUGH to see what people are sending out...