
The number of people who have doubts on their wedding day is actually really high.

Best to listen to your gut when it comes to your wedding day.

It turns out feeling nervous on your wedding day could be due to more than cold feet – it may be a signal of marital trouble later on.

Half of all divorcees had doubts on the day they said “I do” but were reluctant to speak out and stop the wedding, new research shows.

This situation is what those wedding day doubters are trying to avoid.

The study by law firm Slater and Gordon found that the divorcees went ahead with the wedding despite their worries because of guilt, embarrassment, the money spent on the event and family pressure.

Forty nine per cent of more than 1,600 divorced people polled were concerned that their relationship was breaking down on their wedding day.

But nearly half of the divorcees say they did not regret their failed marriage.

And this…

The study also found:

  • Two-thirds of those polled had considered leaving their partner at the altar;
  • One in six people thought they would be able to change their partner after the wedding; and
  • One in 12 felt obliged to get married because they already had children together.

Related: If you find wishing wells at weddings icky, this new wedding trend will really piss you off.

Divorce lawyer Amanda McAlister told the Daily Mail it was very common for people to enter marriages with doubts.

“It is important to be clear about what your expectations are of marriage and your partner in advance of exchanging vows,” Ms McAlister said.

Riding a horse in a wedding dress would not be very comfortable.

“We also have some clients who say they had an early instinct their marriage might not be successful and now regret not listening to that doubt.

“I would advise anyone considering marriage to think carefully.’

Here are some celebrities who may not have thought carefully enough:

For more articles on divorce, try these:

Eva Mendes wants you to know that sweatpants lead to divorce.

“Divorce was the best thing that ever happened to my children”.

Why it’s so hard for adults when their parents divorce.

3 tests to predict if you’ll get divorced.

Did you have wedding day doubts?

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