
What your baker wants you to know about your wedding cake.

Have you ever wondered what your baker is thinking as you sit across the table from them, detailing all of the beautiful designs you have in mind for your gorgeous wedding cake?

Well baker Carissa Byrnes, owner of the popular All Things Sweet By Carissa, has shared exclusively with The Motherish all the things she wishes couples knew when deciding on their all-important wedding cake.

Given she’s the resident baker for Terry Biviano, she definitely knows what she’s taking about.

Carissa Byrnes.(Image supplied)

Here are the eight things you need to know:

1. Book as early as you can and don’t skip the consultation.

Most couples planning their wedding tend to worry about booking the big things, like the venue and photographer. But as Byrnes warns, “Bakers do get booked up pretty quickly.” Most people these days are booking cakes eight to twelve months in advance, Byrnes explains. So you’ll want to get in, fast.

The consultation also makes it really clear what you do and don’t want on your big day. You can bring inspiration along and talk about your design, so you get what you envisioned on the day.

2. Slimline your cake design.

When looking at cake inspiration, try to stick to a theme. Otherwise, it can make the job of your baker very hard. “I get people to bring me inspirational images and they’ll come with one image that’s a naked style rustic cake and the other is a five tiered fondant beautifully laced detailed cake and I think, ‘Where is this going? They’re completely different, there are no similarities in these cakes what so ever,’” Byrnes explains.

3. If you want a very detailed cake, it’s going to cost you.

For those couples who want a beautifully detailed cake, it’s important to understand the time that goes into making one. Time equals money which means a larger price tag.


“If you want a beautifully detailed cake, you need to understand the time that’s involved, which then equals the cost,” Byrnes explains. You can’t have a $1,000 cake for $500, it just doesn’t work that way.

Hanging chandelier cake made by Carissa Byrnes.

4. Don’t ask the baker to alter their recipe… ever.

Different bakers make different types of cake. You’re better off going to find a baker who makes the same texture of cake that you enjoy as opposed to asking a baker to change their recipe. It’s a cardinal sin.

“I’ve had a few grooms in the past who’ve been picky about the density of the cake. My cakes are light, they are a mud cake but they’re not dense. I did have a groom who preferred his cakes much denser and he wanted me to alter my recipe,” Byrnes revealed. The couple ended up going with Byrne’s signature cake in the end, so crisis averted. But no, don’t ask for that.

5. Think about the weather when ordering to avoid a disaster.

The weather believe it or not, plays a big part in what cake you can have on your big day. “Whether it be raining, heat or anything else, there can be a whole lot of areas that impact a cake delivery,” Byrnes suggests.

For example, rain can have a big impact on fondant cakes. “Fondant might get sticky, it can almost have a viscose feel to it. You need to be careful about moisture in the air and things like that,” she explained.

6. His and hers cakes? Just don’t go there.

As far as fads go, there’s one that Byrnes has a particular disdain for – his and hers cake. For those of you who aren’t in the know, that’s where one half of the cake is a traditional cake and the other half themed. Think Batman, Super Mario or Lego. “There’s nothing nice about them. Personally, I’m planning my own wedding and it’s just something I would never consider,” Byrnes expressed.

The his and hers cake. (Image via Instagram)

7. Sorry. You can’t change your mind a week before.

Byrne’s explains she has a two week cut off for couples who change their mind on the design or style of their cake. But once you’re two weeks out from the wedding, it’s far too late to change.

“I have a cut off of a fortnight before for all of my clients but if they want to change it a week before? Sorry too late, no go. I have to have the ability to prepare for my week in advance,” Byrnes reiterates.

8. When picking your baker, go with someone who is reputable.

If you don’t want to be disappointed on the day, it’s crucial that you go with a credible supplier. “The cake decorating industry is huge now and there are so many small businesses out there. I’m one of them, I’m not trying to diss small business. But look for someone who has good referrals and testimonials. Cheapest is not always best. We’re talking about your wedding cake, not just any old birthday cake,” Byrnes explained.

“You’ll want to remember it for the rest of your life,” Byrnes concludes. Can we say, we’d have to agree.

Were you happy with your wedding cake?

You can get in touch with Carissa by visiting her website All Things Sweet by Carissa. You can also follow All Things Sweet by Carissa on Facebook and Instagram.

SCROLL THROUGH the gallery to see more of Carissa’s stunning work…

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