The web is increasingly becoming a powerful resource that can easily help you learn something new everyday. These awesome sites are just what you need.
Watch the scene from ‘The Social Network’ below. Post continues after video.
There is a good chance you’ll be able to put at least one of these learning tools to good use and come out as a better person than you were last year. These are some of the best websites that will make you smarter every day.
1. BBC?—?Future?—?Making you smarter, every day.
2. 99U (YouTube)?—?Actionable insights on productivity, organization, and leadership to help creative people push ideas forward.
3. Youtube EDU?—?The education videos that don’t have cute cats in boxes?—?but they do unlock knowledge.
4. WikiWand?—?A slick new interface for Wikipedia.
5. The long read (The Guardian)?—?In-depth reporting, essays and profiles.
6. TED?—?Great videos to open your mind on almost every topic.
7. iTunes U?—?Learning on the go, from some of the world’s top universities.