“Need a bun in the oven? We can help.”
“How can I get his attention? We can help.”
“Why make ‘em laugh when you can make ‘em cry!”
These are the catchcries of FakeABaby.com, the proud home of the $9.95 fake ultrasound.
It’s a website that claims its wares – which includes fake pregnancy and DNA tests, silicon boobs and ‘pregnant’ stomachs in a range of different stages and sizes (for fake multiple births), imitation 2D and 3D ultrasounds, phony personalised newspaper birth announcements and pretend proof of pregnancy documentation – are for “entertainment purposes only”.
Related: Barbara convinced an entire town that she was pregnant with quintuplets.
Michael Bob Stevens, creator of the range, took to the site after recent criticism to make clear the merchandise was for “gag gifts at parties, for bringing laughter and joy to your friends and family”.
But the gamut of products indicates a more sinister use than a quick, simple gag.
The site sells everything one would need to fake an entire pregnancy – except for the fake baby, which is exactly where the intricately spun web of lies recently came apart for 16-year-old Julia (not her real name).
For months, the Michigan teenager fobbed off the fake ultrasounds as her own to support the claims she made to her friends, family and boyfriend that she was pregnant with triplets.
More: The teenager who faked a pregnancy… for 10 months.
She accepted donations from a church, a not-for-profit group and an online support forum, effectively preying on the generosity of others and stealing from them.