There’s a massive focus on training – $3 billion over the next six years – to help soften the coming skills shortage. Mental Health was also a big winner with an extra $1.5 billion in funding to bring the total to $2.2 billion.
Wayne Swan said this was a workman-like budget. The Opposition spokesman Joe Hockey said it was a budget built on a flimsy house of cards. Opposition leader Tony Abbott said it had a black hole at the centre because the cost of the mooted carbon tax hasn’t been calculated. The Treasurer says this is because the details of that plan have yet to be agreed on; and you can’t put figures into a budget if you don’t yet know what they are.
Here’s the budget at a glance:
Deficit and Surplus
The deficit will be larger this year at $49.4 billion and $22 billion next year, although the Treasurer says the nation will still be back in surplus as predicted in 2013.
The Government has cut $22 billion from the budget. These are the savings they say had to be made, taken from other services.
Training and Skills
This is the big focus of the budget.
Apprenticeships will be overhauled with $200 million in funding, visas will be offered for more than 15,000 skilled workers and new funding of almost $600 million will help create 130,000 new training places, where industry says they are needed over the next four years.
Health and Mental Health
A total of $1.8 billion for regional health facilities.