Earlier this year, the long-awaited Love Actually sequel was finally dropped upon us. Well, upon some of us.
The Red Nose Day reunion inspired many a thinkpiece, and many a re-watch of the original, but in a cruel twist we Aussie fans have only been able to catch teeny-tiny glimpses of it online.
Here’s how we’ve all felt about it:
Unlike the Brits, who so very rudely kept Red Nose Day Actually all to themselves, US broadcaster NBC has kindly uploaded the 16 minute film to Youtube for our viewing pleasure.
Really, there's only one way to celebrate: with some daggy dancing a la Hugh Grant.
Now, after months of waiting, we can properly dissect whether Prime Minister David still has the moves (he does) or how well Jamie and Aurelia's relationship holds up when there's no language barrier (no spoilers here).
Go for it: