The contents of a handbag reveals a lot about a person. The condition of it inside and out reveals even more.
There’s nothing more frustrating than discovering a stain or mark on your bag or putting your hand inside to pull it out covered in some sort of unidentifiable liquid.
The thought of emptying all those receipts, ballpoint pens and odd socks out and then trying to wipe off said food stain/mark/child’s drawing/leaked substance with three different cleaning products without ruining the material is enough to make you want to put in a dark corner of your house and just start over again.
With the latest handbag trend, there’s no need. Enter the machine washable handbag (erm, excuse me – why haven’t we all been using this sooner?)
Favoured by celebrities like Sylvia Jeffreys, the latest designs are not only practical and toddler-friendly, they’re also seriously stylish.