
Five reasons why Warwick from The Bachelor needs to be our new life coach.

Step aside Sam-what’s-your-name. Because there’s a new man whose stealing all our hearts.

A man who needs his own show. A man who could confidently sit across from Leigh Sales and turn her into a puddle, could probably sweep Nicole Kidman off her feet,  a man who needs to be our life coach, STAT.


Apart from the heart-wrenching Heather scenes in last night’s episode of The Bachelor, all everyone was talking about today was The Legend of Warwick.


Bachelor producers didn’t even bother layering the farmhouse with candles last night because Warwick just frosted everyone with his icy cold counsel and his no-bullshit wisdom.

Dubbed The Bachelor Whisperer, The Bachelor Yoda, and The Real Life Mick Taylor from Wolf Creek, Heather’s stand-in Dad and mentor called The Bachelor “Bubble World”, compared it to the Truman Show, then dropped some intense truth bombs that made us wither inside from fear and excitement.




  And the people loved it.  





Here were our top five moments of #warwickwisdom from last night’s show:

1.. “If you don’t push yourself, you don’t know what you’re capable of.”


Step aside, Hugh Jackman.

2. “So many people just want to be copies of someone else.”

Warwick Dundee

Be different. Be Warwick.

3. “Comfort Zone is just a prison of our own making. “


Be brave, heart. Be Warwick.

4. “There’s lessons to be learnt but they won’t be obvious.”


Warwick games

You’re the Gale to our Katniss.

5. “You don’t have to be blood to be family”

Home and Away with Warwick Stewart

Flamin heck.

He’s the bloody Alf Stewart of real life.

Our heart hurts for Heather. But she’s got something we will never have: Warwick wisdom on tap.

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