
Jockey Laura Cheshire found her racehorse a home. Then she saw him be beaten and slaughtered.


Jockey Laura Cheshire has described her pain as she watched her former racehorse, War Ends, be slaughtered on national television.

On Thursday night, ABC’s 7:30 aired an investigation that found thousands of Australian racehorses are being sent to slaughterhouses.

The horses, filmed using hidden cameras, were abused, shocked, kicked and killed.

Cheshire’s former racehorse, who she rode for 18 months and believed she had found a “forever home” for, was one of the horses filmed being brutally mistreated before killed by an abattoir worker.

In a social media post, Cheshire recalled trying to rehome War Ends on multiple occasions but was ultimately unsuccessful.

“The racing industry is failing racehorses. I have failed a racehorse. My heart is so broken.

“War Ends I tried to do the best thing for you after you were passed on and on and on. And tonight I watched you get a captive bolt to the head. My heart feels dead.”

She continued: “I watched a horse I rode every day for years get a bolt to his head. And so many others get treated in the most disgusting way when all they did was try to please.”

In the report, an abattoir worker is shown screaming at the horse “f***ing stupid c***” before kicking it, after it had died.

Cheshire has asked for those wanting change, to write official complaints to the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission via their ‘report something‘ page.

“Currently there is nothing in place in QLD to protect horses after their career has ended. NSW is TRYING!” she wrote.

Speaking on The Project on Friday night, Cheshire told the panel she was unaware War Ends was going to be featured on the program.


“Seeing that name come up, and then watching that footage, was just devastating…”

“These are loved horses, that have come out of an industry where people have looked after them and cared for them,” Cheshire said as she began to tear up.

Watch: Laura Cheshire talks to The Project about the racing industry. Post continues after video. 

Video via Channel 10

Following ABC’s investigation, the Queensland Government has announced they will launch an immediate investigation into the Queensland abattoir’s alleged abuse of animals.

Racing Minister Stirling Hinchliffe denounced the treatment of horses in the report, saying it was “absolutely sickening to see animals being mistreated.”

“Queensland had already recognised that there were issues around life after racing for horses and had organised a forum to be held on 15 November.

“We’ve brought that forward to next week, with details to be finalised, and it will involve industry stakeholders, including Racing Queensland and the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission.”

You can watch ABC’s investigation into the racing industry here

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