
The little girl who was so desperate to be a flower girl, she took matters into her own hands.




All Annabelle wanted was to be a flower girl, so she got herself a pretty dress, some gloves and made a sign.

Then she made her way to city hall with her mum and waited patiently for one of the 20,000 couples who get married at the Manhattan Clerk’s office to take her up on her offer:



Annabelle’s mum told NBC that after standing with the sign for a while without getting any interest, it became obvious that Annabelle would have to start approaching couples.

After striking out the first time (apparently one bride-to-be said a terse ‘no thank you’), it didn’t take long for one couple to bite.

“She was too adorable to say no to, and we thought it would be fun to make her day as well as ours,” said the bride, who asked to remain anonymous.

Apparently Annabelle aced the quick ceremony, handing the bride a bouquet of posies she had picked out earlier for the occasion.

Annabelle picking out the bouquet.

And now that Annabelle has had a taste of the flower girl highlife, she says she’d like to do it again. “I want to go back to City Hall,” she told NBC. “It made me happy.”

Here’s her story on NBC’s Today:

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