
Did you go see Potiche last night? Did you love it?

Last night the exclusive Mamamia screenings of Potiche were shown in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane and Adelaide.  Were you there? What did you think of the movie? And did you get to chat to some other MM’ers?   Tell us ALL about it

Welcome to a Sponsored Post and a chance to go to the movies. Yeeha! Mamamia’s  Lana writes:

“It’s been a while since we last went to the movies at Mamamia but we are going to make up for that today. Listen closely because the last movie we featured (The Kids are All Right) was nominated for 4 Oscars including Best Picture, and this one is just as good.  And just as funny.  And as an added bonus it is in French. I love a French movie.  Makes me feel all la di dah and sophisticated.

I watched the trailer and I was hooked. I never cried once (which is quite a feat for me) and I couldn’t wait to see more.  I just had to see what was going to happen (and I quietly wanted to give the husband a swift kick up the butt)

Check it out.

[youtube jRJrDndWmi0 640 390]

Catherine Deneuve as Suzanna Bujol

Potiche is a farce set in France in the 1970’s and right from the start I was astounded by the cinematography.  I wouldn’t usually notice something like that but it really lured me in got me thinking and feeling like I was sitting plonk in the middle of 1977. I could feel it, smell it, sense it.  And I was entranced.The movie is a wacky screwball comedy and covers almost every theme you can imagine – feminism, love, sex, power, politics,  parenting and almost every angle of any relationship you have ever had. It’s a farce above all, but is also high drama, high camp, a musical, a love story and dare I say, a political treatise   But thoughout all of this the whole movie is self aware – it is full of irony and you can almost see the very distinguished cast winking at you, laughing with you and luring you in.

The main character played by Catherine Deneuve is as all encompassing as the themes. She’s the perfect wife and mother, she’s Sleeping Beauty and Marie Antionette mixed with Carrie Bradshaw. She’s even a bit Hilary Clinton or maybe even Margaret Thatcher. An intoxicating and riveting mix that saw me at times loving her and cheering her on while at other times, feeling really irritated and angry at her.

Suzanne Bujol (Catherine Deneuve), is a potiche, or trophy wife, to Robert (Fabrice Luchini) the wealthy, reactionary owner of an umbrella factory that used to be owned by Suzanne’s father.  He has no relationship with his adult children and is er, less than respectful to his wife. In fact he is sleeping with his secretary and keeping his wife firmly under thumb.


When Robert is hospitalised after an ugly confrontation with striking workers, Suzanne has to take over the factory.  She calls on the Communist mayor Maurice Babin (Gérard Dépardieu) to help her deal with the striking workers.  Turns out she once had some pretty raunchy sex with Mr Babin and this brings up some really interesting facets to her past and the way that she is today.

I’m not going to tell you what happens during the movie sufficeth it to say Suzanne gets her mojo back and it is glorious journey.

But you are going to see it yourself.  Just you – a friend and the other Mamamia readers and then you can come back to this post and we can talk about it in detail.  And you can tell us which of the other Mamamia readers you met!

Potiche is  coming to screen on 21 April 2010 but we are giving away tickets today.

Yes, that’s right.  Mamamia are giving away 200 tickets in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane and Adelaide so you can go to see Potiche and hang out with your fellow Mamamia’ers.

The exclusive Mamamia screenings for Potiche will be held on Wednesday 13 April at 6:30 pm.  How ideal.  You can go see a brilliant movie AND catch up with other Mamamia readers.  So get there early grab a drink at the bar and catch up with your virtual friends in real life – take some photos and you can post them after the movie. We would love to see them. Just email rsvp@transmissionfilms.com.au to nab your tickets.

Please make sure to put Mamamia Potiche in the subject line with the name of your city ie Mamamia Potiche SYDNEY (of course you will use the name of the city you are in…)  The first 100 emails received will get a double pass and only successful applicants will be notified. Please be aware that Transmission Films are responsible for ticketing and ticketing related questions.

And after you have watched the movie come back here and tell us what you thought.”

Have you ever left the workforce for any length of time? How was your return? Did you find the time out of the work force was a help or a hindrance?

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