
Men share what they REALLY thought when they first saw their wives walking down the aisle.

Ever wondered what men are really thinking on their wedding day? We’ve got the (hopelessly romantic) answers.

Grooms were recently asked on Reddit to share what was going through their minds as their wives were walking down the aisle towards them during their wedding.

Got tissues? Good – you’ll need them.

Because it turns out that men are a lot more romantic and sentimental than we often give them credit for.

Among all the desperate (“Don’t pass out”, “Don’t cry”) and hilariously inappropriate (“OMG, the way she’s kicking her dress out in front of her to keep from stepping on it is making it look like she’s marching with the Nazis”) thoughts, there were also some incredibly sweet stories.

Lavyn wrote:

We are high school sweethearts, together since middle school and all the way through college. In the entire 12 years we had been together at that point, I had never seen anything or anyone so beautiful. I quite literally couldn’t breathe. I would have balled my eyes out if I could have taken the breaths required. It was the single most amazing moment of my life. I’m literally tearing up right now just thinking about it.

While Mrmidhoratio posted “30 years for me…I can still see her standing there…absolutely burned in my brain, along with the birth of our children. She was (and is) so beautiful…I felt (and feel) so lucky. It was like the whole world was gray, and as she walked toward me, the world became color in her path. I can’t even imagine the kind of man I would be without her.”

Not enough romance for you? Here’s a memory from MisterBigDude -“Aw, here comes my best friend, and she looks happy to be marrying me. How did I get so lucky?”

And another from Mangonesailor: “When we finally turned to face the minister… I just wanted to look at her. To devour every bit of her with my eyes. I couldn’t take my sight off of her the rest of the evening. People would talk to me, I’d address them, but I just couldn’t stop remembering that moment when her dad came through the door with her. It was a moment I’ll cherish and never forget.”

Looks like true love is real, people.

What was going through your mind as you were walking down the aisle? 

TAP on the image below and scroll through the gallery to check out more answers from the Reddit thread…

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