
"Sonia Kruger isn’t evil." Waleed Aly makes a compassionate plea on The Project.

Waleed Aly has made a compassionate plea to Australia in the wake of comments aired by media personality Sonia Kruger.

Kruger made headlines this week when she appeared on morning television and agreed with Andrew Bolt that Australia should end all Muslim immigration.

Aly who is open about his Muslim faith, used the opportunity not to shame Kruger but to change the circulating dialogue.

The appeal was broadcast on Tuesday night’s episode of The Project in a solo segment.

Source: Network 10.

The co-host said two options were offered to individuals when they're presented with a radical opinion.

"When we're presented with an outrageous opinion, we're actually presented with two options: destruction or construction," he said.

"We can react emotionally or carelessly or we can consider what motivated that person - try to understand their fear and try to empathise with their conclusion."

The philosophy comes in the wake of the incredible backlash Kruger has faced since her comments were aired.

Aly addressed that criticism directly to offer the media personality an olive branch of empathy.

"Sonia Kruger is not evil - she's scared and she's trying to make sense of the world," he said.

"Yesterday she admitted to not feeling safe."

Source: Network 10.

Aly went on to say how he too is a victim of fear and that it is this fear that binds both sides.

"Because the truth is - what motivates them is fear and fear is the one thing we're all sharing right now," he said.

"I'm scared too. I'm afraid for this country. I see such hostility and aggression and I'm afraid what it could do to this country."

"I'm terrified about what it's doing to my friends and my family."

Aly spoke about a letter published by The Australian newspaper that carried the voice of one man who suggested "internment" for Muslim people.

Internment is the term used to describe the practice of locking up a person or group without trial.

"This comment was published in a national Australian newspaper," he said.

Source: Channel 9.

The co-host said that individuals needed to step up and choose the stronger option.

"While it feels good to choose destruction - right now I feel we need to choose construction," he said.

"Assuming the best in people. Showing others radical generosity in the face of their hostility - even when it hurts. And this is the much harder choice."

Aly ended on the hope that forgiveness could replace anger as the trending topic.

"Wouldn't it be amazing if just once, we could send forgiveness viral," he said.

Yes. Yes it would.

Waleed's incredible speech was written by Waleed Aly and Tom Whitty.

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