
Waleed Aly questions Shane Warne's children's charity. Warnie is not happy.

Last night Shane Warne appeared on The Project. But his short chat with host Waleed Aly probably didn’t go as well as the recently-booted I’m a Celebrity contestant expected.

Warne became defensive when Aly questioned his children’s charity the Shane Warne Foundation, after allegations it had only donated 16 cents of every dollar raised.

Warne said any of his critics “can all get stuffed if you want to have a go at us for it” and added “we’re very proud of what we’ve been able to achieve.”

Aly joked saying, “I’m not sure the independent auditors will go and get stuffed but I suppose we’ll ultimately see what they say, Warnie.”

Video via Channel 10

“They do what they want and they can,” Warne responded. “We’ll ultimately see,” Aly added, to which Warne asked, “You’re doubting me, mate? You think we’ve got something to hide.”

Warne felt it was unfair for the integrity of the charity’s board members to be questioned and welcomed any future audits of his foundation.

“None of us have ever taken one cent and it’s disappointing that people want to come after some good people that have raised a lot of money and made a serious difference to seriously ill and underprivileged children.”

“You can all go and get stuffed if you want to have a go at us for it but we are very very proud of what we have been able to achieve.”

Waleed Aly and his family.

Warne believes the charity, which has been running since 2004, has made a big impact to ill children and their families. “We’ve saved lives, not just one, we have save many lives,” he said.

“If people want to have a crack at us for raising money and making a difference go ahead and do it,” he invited.

Aly pulled back from his questioning and said it would all be left up to the auditors. “No I’m not saying anything. I’m not an auditor so I’ve got absolutely no comment,” he concluded.

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