
"It rests with each of us." After the Adam Goodes documentary aired, Waleed Aly set a challenge for all Australians, & more in News in 5.

With AAP.

1. “It rests with each of us.” After the Adam Goodes documentary aired, Waleed Aly set a challenge for all Australians.

The documentary addressing the intense bullying and racism faced by former Sydney Swans AFL player, Adam Goodes, sparked an outpouring of support after it aired on Thursday night.

After The Final Quarter aired on Channel 10, showing the routine booing and insults faced by Goodes that eventually led to his early retirement, a special late-night edition of The Project aired.

Host Waleed Aly led a discussion with Indigenous representatives, media and sporting guests, ending the show by asking Australia where we go from here.

Gavin Wanganeen talks to Waleed Aly about Adam Goodes documentary on The Project. Post continues below video.

Video by Channel 10

“It seems that what began as personal torment for Adam quickly became a national controversy,” he said.

“The question now really is whether it can become a productive national conversation. And the answer to that question rests with each of us.”

During the show, AFL great Gavin Wanganeen said that what stood out for him during the documentary was just how alone Goodes was and for how long the booing went on.


“His resilience showed out… Looking back now as a past Indigenous player, I felt that if I had my time again, I would’ve done something about it.”

Goodes former Swans teammate Jude Bolton criticised the AFL’s lack of action to stop the booing when Goodes was playing.

“The AFL have shown that they’ve been able to politicise and jump into many different issues across the journey, and that delay… Their silence was deafening and I think that’s the biggest regret that certainly Gill and some of the commissioners of the time will have to live with.

“I think that’s been the biggest issue, they didn’t inject themselves into the conversation. Okay, they may have been split as a commission but how could they not walk out of that room with a directive to say ‘we’ve got to address this publicly’.”

Former Indigenous AFL player Des Headland praised gracious handling of himself during his time playing.

“Every time he spoke, he spoke composed. I’m not sure many people could’ve done that,” Headland said.

“I don’t think there’s many other people in Australia who could’ve went through what he went through, whether Indigenous or not Indigenous it doesn’t matter, and to come out like he’s come out, still involved with community and doing some fantastic things with his foundation, out in business and promoting Indigenous culture, I take my hat off to him.”

Last month, the AFL and all 18 clubs issued an apology to Goodes.


“Through Adam’s story, we see the personal and institutional experience of racism. We see that Australia’s history of dispossession and disempowerment of First Nation’s people has left its mark, and that racism, on and off the field, continues to have a traumatic and damaging impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander players and communities,” it said.

“The treatment of Adam challenges us, and our right to be considered Australia’s indigenous football code. Adam, who represents so much that is good and unique about our game, was subject to treatment that drove him from football. The game did not do enough to stand with him and call it out.

“We apologise unreservedly for our failures during this period.”

2. “Significant doubts.” Expert claims Folbigg children may have been killed by a genetic variant.


An internationally recognised expert argues a genetic variant justifies reopening the case against convicted baby killer Kathleen Folbigg as it raises “significant doubts”.

In an exhibit tendered to a Sydney inquiry examining Folbigg’s convictions, world-leading genetics researcher Peter Schwartz says the CALM2 variant identified in her make-up and in that of two of her four dead children is enough to re-examine their deaths.

“My conclusion is that the accusation of infanticide might have been premature and not correct,” Professor Schwartz wrote.

Folbigg was jailed for at least 25 years in 2003 after she was found guilty of killing her four babies – Caleb, Patrick, Sarah and Laura – in the decade from 1989.

The four children all died aged between 19 days and 19 months.

The CALM2 variant is a gene associated with long QT syndrome – a heart rhythm condition which can potentially cause fast, chaotic heartbeats increasing the risk of palpitations, fainting and sudden death.

Professor Schwartz, recognised worldwide as a leading expert in long QT syndrome, said the identification of the variant in Folbigg and her two female children raises “significant doubts to a significant extent”.


Two other experts, Professor Edwin Kirk and Dr Michael Buckley, argue the variant may have contributed to but wasn’t the sole cause of death for Laura and Sarah.

“It is possible the variant is pathogenic but is unrelated to the cause of death of Sarah and Laura,” they said in an exhibit to the inquiry.

“For this to be the sole cause of death for Sarah and Laura, an exceptional clinical scenario would be required.”

The NSW government in August 2018 agreed to a judicial review of Folbigg’s convictions with hearings held in March and May this year.

Former NSW District Court chief judge Reginald Blanch QC, who presided over the inquiry, can refer the matter to the Court of Criminal Appeal if he finds there is reasonable doubt as to Folbigg’s guilt.

3. George Calombaris fined for underpaying staff almost $8 million.


Celebrity chef George Calombaris ripped off his restaurant workers to the tune of almost $8 million, but unlike MasterChef contestants he won’t face any judgment, just a “paltry” fine.

As the 40-year-old Melburnian apologised to former and current staff, the Ten Network – broadcasters of the popular reality show – declined to comment on the matter, presumably meaning Calombaris will retain his screen presence.

The Fair Work Ombudsman on Thursday fined Calombaris and his Made Establishment company $200,000.

More than $7.83m has been back-paid to 515 current or former employees of Press Club, Gazi and Hellenic Republic for work between 2011 and 2017.

A further $16,371 was back-paid to nine employees of Jimmy Grants.

As part of a court-enforceable agreement, Calombaris must implement new payroll and compliance systems across his stable of restaurants.

Unions were outraged by the reprimand and called on the federal government to address wage theft penalties.


“While anyone else would face prison time for theft of millions of dollars, employers routinely steal huge amounts from working people and get away with simply returning the money they have stolen and paying a paltry fine,” ACTU President Michele O’Neil said.

Former Hellenic Republic worker Orlaith Belfrage said Calombaris has avoided proper punishment and she called for criminal punishment for wage theft in Australia.

“George should pay a serious price for this massive theft of workers’ wages,” she said in a statement.

“He should be taken off MasterChef. How many more excuses does George get?”

Ms Belfrage said she and fellow workers repeatedly asked for Calombaris to hand over records so they could recover their entitlements, adding that he had not been cooperative.

Calombaris apologised on Thursday.

“It is our people that make our restaurants great, and it is our priority to ensure all of our employees feel respected, rewarded and supported in their roles,” he said.

Fair Work Ombudsman Sandra Parker said the enforceable undertaking commits the group to stringent measures to ensure current and future employees are paid correctly.

Calombaris also must do speaking engagements to educate the restaurant industry on the importance of complying with workplace laws.


“Made’s massive back-payment bill should serve as a warning to all employers that if they don’t get workplace compliance right from the beginning, they can spend years cleaning up the mess,” Ms Parker said.

Fair Work inspectors investigated the Made group of companies after it self-reported underpayments.

The investigation expanded to include some restaurants operated by Jimmy Grants Pty Ltd, a company which has some common shareholders and directors with Made.

Inspectors found significant underpayments occurred because staff were wrongly classified and there were incorrect processes and failures across payroll and human resources systems.

Made group CEO, Leigh Small, said all current team members were now correctly classified and new procedures were in place.

The company must fund external auditors to check pay and conditions for workers across the group every year until 2022.

4. At least 23 people feared dead in fire at Japanese animation studio.


At least 23 people are feared dead in a suspected arson incident at an animation studio in the Japanese city of Kyoto, authorities say.

Thirteen people are confirmed dead and at least 10 more had no vital signs after they were found in the studio, an official for the Kyoto City Fire Department said. Scores were also injured.

Public broadcaster NHK said police had taken a 41-year-old man into custody who allegedly shouted “Die” as he poured what appeared to be petrol around the three-story building of Kyoto Animation shortly after 10am on Thursday.

The man was injured and was being treated at hospital, preventing police from questioning him, NHK said.

The deadly incident was “too appalling for” words, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Twitter, offering condolences to the victims.

TV footage showed white and black smoke billowing out of the windows of the studio’s building. The studio produces popular series such as the Sound! Euphonium, and its Free! Road to the World – The Dream movie is due for release this month.


“I heard the sound of fire engines and stepped outside my house, and saw big flames spewing out of the building,” NHK quoted a 16-year-old boy as saying.

“Fire department officials were trying to rescue the injured in a nearby park but it seemed like there weren’t enough of them,” he told NHK.

The fire department official said earlier that some 30 people believed to have been in the building at the time could not be reached.

Some or all of the 10 or so people later found unconscious on the top floor and the staircase leading to the rooftop may be included in that tally, he said.

Kyoto police declined to comment.

Violent crime is relatively rare in Japan but occasional high-profile incidents have shocked the nation.

Less than two months ago, a knife-wielding man slashed at a group of schoolgirls at a bus stop in Kawasaki, a city just south of Tokyo, killing one girl and the father of another student, while injuring more than a dozen other children.

In 2016, a man armed with a knife broke into a facility for the disabled in a small town near Tokyo and killed 19 patients in their sleep.

5. Manchester Arena bomber’s brother denies involvement in the 2017 terror attack.


The brother of Manchester Arena bomber Salman Abedi has indicated he will deny helping him to murder 22 people in the 2017 terror attack.

Hashem Abedi, 22, stood in the dock at London’s Westminster Magistrates Court as the names of each fatality were read aloud.

His counsel, Zafar Ali QC said the defendant denied the charges against him. No formal pleas were entered during the 15-minute hearing.

Abedi, who was raised in Manchester, fled to Libya before his older brother detonated his suicide vest as pop fans left an Ariana Grande concert.


Prosecutor Kathryn Selby told the court Abedi had been charged with 22 counts of murder – one for each victim of the attack – plus one count of attempted murder encompassing all other victims, and one count of conspiring with his brother to cause explosions.

The court heard 260 people were seriously injured, including those with life-changing injuries, following the blast.

At least 600 people reported psychological harm, the court was told.

Abedi, who was wearing a grey tracksuit and glasses and flanked by two police officers and three security guards, looked at the prosecutor as she outlined the case.

Mr Ali told the court Abedi had been in solitary confinement since his arrest in Libya two years ago, and had been tortured by the Special Deterrence Force in Tripoli, also known as Rada.

He said Abedi was forced to sign a 40-page confession under extreme duress.

Mr Ali said his client did not contest extradition because he wanted to return to the UK to clear his name.

Chief Magistrate Emma Arbuthnot remanded him in custody ahead of a bail hearing at Oxford Crown Court on Monday.

There will be a preliminary hearing at the Old Bailey on July 30.

Inquests into the killings have been on hold while criminal proceedings against Abedi remained in limbo.

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