Can you combine motherhood and a career without guilt?
Samantha Ettus, 44, a Harvard MBA, mother of three, and author of The Pie Life: A Guilt-Free Recipe For Success and Satisfaction thinks you can.
And not only that. She has the formula.
It’s based on a pie chart of course. She did do an MBA and that requires a lot of graph skills.
Ettus’ book talks about women’s fulfilment. She compares life to a “messy gooey pie” and says there are seven ‘slices’ of fulfilment that every woman should spend time nurturing. A major one of these? You guessed it: work.
The other slices of the ‘pie’, according to Ettus, include family, relationship, hobbies, health, friends, community or religion – to achieve satisfaction. “Think about what fulfilment means – even if you love being a stay-at-home mum more than an employee, there will be other areas of life which will need your attention,” she wrote. “Even though your life may already feel horribly overloaded, you need to find time to see friends, go on a date night, and spend quality time with your children.”
Work is a major part of the perfect pie.
“If you leave the work force completely at this point [having a baby], you are unlikely to find it possible to return in any meaningful way,” Ettus wrote for The Telegraph.
“The statistics simply aren’t in your favour: more than 60 per cent of women who want to return to work after they left their careers to raise a family cannot find equivalent positions to return to.”