
This is a fairytale brought to life...

Welcome to Mamamia’s art endeavour, the Voulez-Vous Project. It’s our corner of the internet where we celebrate emerging artists, designers, illustrators, creators and women who knit out of their vagina. (Kidding. Maybe.)

The aim: to make the internet a slightly more beautiful, or captivating, or thought-provoking place. If you’d like to learn a little bit more about the Voulez-Vous Project, click here.

This week’s artist is Emma McEvoy, an up-and-coming Melbourne-based photographer, whose stylised photos beautifully blend fantasy and reality. In 2013, she won the AIPP Student Photographer of the Year award, and won the ACMP Portrait Category and Student Photographer of the Year.

Emma says that photography is not her only ‘big love’ – it’s her voice. And it’s her voice that she tries to make heard through every photo, saying that she hopes they act as “bridges between our inner world and outer world, a way between hurt and healing”.

She utilises props, costumes and setting to create her photos – and says that although many people think everything in her images is photoshopped, where she can she creates the scenes using just props and camera trickery. Take a look below:

To find out more, you can visit her website, Facebook or Instagram.

Do you know an artist (or are you an artist) who creates beautiful or thought-provoking work, and whom you think should be featured on Mamamia’s Voulez-Vous Project? Send an email to 

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