Have you seen this video? Are you among the 16 million people around the world who’ve watched it?
It depicts Californian mother Audra Lynn and her husband Paul Sykes calmly birthing their second child at home in a small pool.
The video has been watched by more than 16 million people. Via Facebook.
In the video Audra squats in a pool in her living room. She is half-submerged in the water, naked from the waist down and with her husband looking on she carefully checks her baby’s position in her vagina with a mirror before she groans slightly and forcefully pushes her baby out, catching him in the water and then releasing her emotions in tears of joy as she cradles her newborn son.
Two minutes is all it takes. Two minutes in which she is a wonder and a goddess. It’s hard not to watch it without being amazed at just how effortless her birth is, how graceful she is. How beautiful the birthing experience is.
Its hard not to watch it without thinking 'Gee that looks easy. I could do that.'
The video depicts Californian mother Audra Lynn and her husband Paul Sykes calmly birthing their second child at home in a small pool. Via Facebook.
The video has been shared by the homebirth midwife Lisa Marie Sanchez Oxenham of Sacred Journey Midwifery, on her Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube pages.
Leaving 16 million people (and growing) around the world with the impression that home birth is always effortless, easy and always safe.
An impression that is incredibly dangerous.
Yes, home birth CAN be safe.
Yes, this home birth, Audra Lynn’s second WAS safe, as are millions of others around the world. But to categorise all home births as safe and effortless is a great concern and the fear with viral videos depicting home birth as effortless, easy and intervention free is that they polarise the birthing experience into two distinct camps.
Home births = easy and natural. Hospital birth = medicalised and painful. This is an incredibly troubling distinction to make.