
News in 5: New mum in coma from flu; Sydney votes 'yes'; Trump's huge North Korea threat.

1. Victorian mother in coma from flu outbreak has no idea she gave birth to baby son six weeks ago.

A 33-year-old mum in northern Victoria is in a coma and fighting for her life – a victim to one of Australia’s worst flu seasons on record – and is yet to hold her baby boy who was born via an emergency delivery on August 28.

Sarah Hawthorn, 33, from Cobram, Victoria is in an induced coma and a critical condition at Alfred Hospital battling Influenza A, pneumonia and severe complications, Fairfax reports.

Her little boy with husband Rob Hawthorn was born five weeks premature on August 28, via an emergency delivery, to improve Sarah’s chances of survival.

“During the later stages of Sarah’s pregnancy Sarah caught the flu,” the family’s GoFundMe page reads. “As a result her gorgeous boy arrived earlier than planned and following his birth Sarah was, and remains, in a critical condition in an induced coma.”

This is one of the most severe flu seasons Australia has seen. Victoria has been hit especially hard, with more than 13,000 cases confirmed, The Guardian reports.

GPs are urging Australians – especially pregnant women – to receive vaccination against the deadly flu, saying it’s not too late to be immunised.

For more information on how to protect yourself from the flu, click here.

To donate to the Hawthorn’s GoFundMe page, click here

2. City of Sydney launches glorious ‘yes’ campaign.


The City of Sydney is throwing its support behind marriage equality as millions of Australians cast their votes in a voluntary postal survey.

“This is something where we’re supporting our community,” Lord Mayor Clover Moore told reporters on Tuesday. “We have a larger number of people who are LGBTI living in our city than any other area – than the whole of Australia.”

Moore urged Sydneysiders and the million visitors to the city each day to back same-sex marriage. Her call was later echoed at NSW Parliament House when supporters came together at a fundraiser for the ‘yes’ campaign.


“Why should any human being in our state and in our nation be treated differently in front of the law?” Premier Gladys Berejiklian told the crowd, urging her parliamentary colleagues to join “pretty much every other English speaking nation” by voting ‘yes’ for marriage equality.

3. The man who wants to employ topless waiters so badly, he’s prepared to take it to the Supreme Court.

Image via iStock.

One business owner is so adamant about his 'right' to employ topless waitresses at his Perth tavern, he's prepared to take the fight all the way to the Supreme Court.


Ian Strover, owner of The Sixty30, has been fighting for five years to be allowed topless waitresses at his Merriwa venue. His applications and appeals have so far been denied by the Liquor Commission, the ABC reports, and have attracted furore from local residences and women's rights groups.

Strover does, however, have one local business on side - Perth's Best Girls stripping agency.

"The application is primarily concerned with the private financial interests of the applicant and the operators of Perth's Best Girls," the director of Liquor Licensing told the ABC.

"Whilst 'Dan the Man', 'Show me pussy', 'Robbo', 'Marshy', 'Bob', 'Jacko', 'Swanny', 'Fido', and others may want to see strippers at the hotel based on their signing of the questionnaire, there is nothing before the commission that is capable of establishing that the variation of the licence is in the public interest," the director continued.

Strover has already spent five years, and more than $40,000, in his quest to employ topless waitresses, and is clearly prepared to extend that further.

4. Trump threatens to "totally destroy" North Korea.


President Donald Trump is warning United States will be forced to "totally destroy" North Korea unless Pyongyang backs down from its nuclear standoff, AAP reports.

Loud murmurs filled the green-marbled UN General Assembly hall on Tuesday when Trump issued his sternest warning yet to North Korea, whose ballistic missile launches and nuclear tests have rattled the globe.

Unless North Korea backs down, he said: "We will have no choice than to totally destroy North Korea."

Mocking North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Trump described him as a "rocket man" on a "suicide mission for himself and his regime".


He urged United Nations member states to work together to isolate the Kim government until it ceases its "hostile" behaviour.

5. Doctors call for the recommended minimum age for using Nerf guns to be reconsidered.

UK doctors have raised concerns about the risk of eye injuries and blurred vision from the foam bullets used in the popular Nerf gun toys.

They suggest children and adults playing with the toys wear protective goggles and that the recommended minimum age - currently eight years - be reconsidered.


Nerf toys, which are manufactured by Hasbro, include a range of guns, blasters, and bows and arrows. Writing in the British Medical Journal, the emergency doctors from London's Moorfields Eye Hospital told how three patients suffered injury from the guns in separate incidents, AAP reports. All suffered internal bleeding.

One 32-year-old man suffered blurred vision and a red eye after he was shot in the eye from eight metres away by a child, while a 43-year-old woman was shot in the eye from just one metre and also complained of blurred vision and a red, sore eye.

The doctors also treated an 11-year-old child who complained of pain and blurred vision after being shot in the eye from two metres. They say the boy developed a swollen cornea (the outer layer of the eye) and retina (the inner layer of the eye) from the force and speed of the bullet fired by the gun.

Later check-ups showed these three patients eye sight had returned to normal and the bleeding had stopped, but doctors are concerned about the injuries could lead to long-term sight loss.

6. Court to hear appeal against Pistorius.


South Africa's Supreme Court of Appeal will hear the state's appeal against Paralympic gold medallist Oscar Pistorius' six-year murder sentence on November 3, the National Prosecuting Authority says.

Oscar was sentenced to jail for six years in 2016 for killing his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, in 2013. At the time, some commentators described the jail term as lenient.

Pistorius killed Steenkamp when he fired four shots into the bathroom where she was hiding on the night of Valentine's Day, 2013. He claimed he thought she was an intruder, however the State is arguing the murder was intentional and is fighting for a heavier sentence.


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