
A letter to the weather from every Victorian ever: screw you.

Today marks the very first day of summer.

The season where thongs are an acceptable choice of footwear for the office, when the sun doesn’t set until what feels like 11:02pm and everything somehow, for some reason, just feels… happier.

And while the first weekend of summer is never guaranteed to be perfect, there’s usually a little glimpse of sunshine to remind you that Christmas, days relaxing on the beach and relaxation are well on the way.

Except, of course, if you live in Victoria. Because THIS is what your first weekend of Summer looks like:


The southern state is expected to welcome three months’ worth of rain… in just one weekend.

That’s… that’s quite a lot of precipitation.

boo melbourne rain
Image via Getty.

It's okay though, Victorian folk, surely the rest of Australia is also in for a horrible, miserable, no good first weekend of summer.

For example, in Sydney, it's also forecast to rain. "At times", according to the Bureau of Meteorology.

And while it won't necessarily be sunny, temperatures are due to hit 29 degrees on both Saturday and Sunday.

Brisbane, you'll be glad to hear, is also expecting rain. A whole... three millimetres of it on Saturday. Oh...

brisbane weather sunny
Meanwhile, in Brisvegas. Image via Getty.

Adelaide and Hobart are also expecting showers and rain, while Darwin is in for a thunderstorm on Saturday, typical for this time of year.

Perth is... well... Perth looks bloody perfect to be honest, and we should all pack and move there RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND.

I mean, look at this forecast:


So while Victorians aren't going to be alone in their soggy start to summer, the state is expected to bear the brunt of the downfall. And with past weekends all but washed away by similar bouts of rain, they've had about enough.

While the rest of the country will return to work on Monday looking like their normal, dry selves, it's safe to say that those in Victoria will most likely look a little like this when returning to work on Monday morning:


In all seriousness though, there are serious weather warnings in place for the state, with the Bureau of Meteorology warning the public to stay safe and heed advice from authorities.

"This is an event of absolute massive scale," senior meteorologist Scott Williams said.

"It is an event that poses a threat to life. There will be a massive amount of lightning, there will be roads cut and flood waters."

"This event will turn farms into lakes with such rapid rain rates."

The best way to stay dry this weekend? Stay in bed and get the new episode of Mamamia Out Loud into your ears:

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