Victoria Beckham is famous for quite a few things.
Popstar of the 90s, fashion designer of New York Fashion Week fame, one half of the world’s most talked about marriage for its ability to outlast the even the most generous of forecasts.
We know her as a mum-of-four, a woman of impeccable style, and British royalty in so much as Posh and Becks have their own nickname and certainly their own invites to Windsor weddings.
And yet, despite the talent, the wealth, the fame, it’s Victoria Beckham’s face we’re really addicted to.
Every time her “famous scowl” is papped by strangers, every time her “resting bitch face” looks back at us, every time her “constantly stern face” is thrown across the internet, the papers, the magazines, we nod with the smugness of jealous commoners, sure in our knowledge that a woman who doesn’t smile is a woman who isn’t happy.