reality tv

'She leaves and goes to his bed.' The moment My Kitchen Rules went full Married at First Sight.


You may have thought while Channel Nine was giving us all the sex and relationship gossip on Married at First Sight, Channel Seven was sticking very strictly to cooking.

But on Monday night’s episode of My Kitchen Rules, a bombshell got dropped at the dinner table.

Two contestants…from different pairings…are having sex, behind the scenes, and it’s causing all kinds of mayhem.



At Josh and Austin’s ultimate Instant Restaurant last night, it was revealed that Piper (of Piper and Veronica) and Victor (of Victor and G) are doing the dirty after hours when the cameras turn off.

At the beginning of the night, the other contestants noticed Victor’s sad and unimpressed vibes at the table.

“Victor…your energy sucks”, Romel told him.

You can watch the revelation unfold here. Post continues after video.

Video by Seven

Romel then accused Piper of telling Victor what the other couples said about his food, behind the scenes.

Victor promptly lost it and stormed off.

Words like “deflect deflect” were yelled and there were water glass slamming – it’s everything we could have ever wanted from an adult tantrum on national television.

When other contestants continued to press Piper, she decided to storm off too, leaving Veronica to drop the bombshell of the season:


“When she (Piper) f***ing leaves at night time and goes into his (Victor’s) bed, I don’t know what the f**k is said.”


Cue a lot of this:


In an interview with Now To Love, Veronica expanded on her slip up.

"Obviously they've shown it like nobody knows what's going on but behind the scenes everyone knew what was going on so it was no surprise," she said, adding that her real frustration came from the fact that Victor upped and left the table while Piper was left to "fend for herself."

She told the publication that her comment came after Piper was "hammered and hammered and hammered."

"I was getting so over it, at that point I just lost it," she said.

Monday's episode ended with Piper blissfully unaware that her cooking partner has just revealed her little secret.

We can't wait to see what happens tonight.

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