What makes you want to buy vegetables? Is it the vibrant colour? The shape? The feel?
How about the packaging?
While packaging isn’t something we’d typically associate with fresh fruit and vegetables, in recent years it’s become a mainstay of the grocery aisle.
There are organic sweet potatoes on polystyrene trays, broccoli florets in bags and individually wrapped cucumbers.
And while most Australians are supportive of a ban on plastic bags (including those in states where the ban is already in effect), it's the plastic in the fresh food aisle that's been overlooked by many.
Not by Pat Lowe, however. The Broome-based author and environmentalist has been leading a campaign to eliminate plastic packaging from the grocery section of supermarkets and independent grocers for two years.
"We'd like to see big changes in the supermarkets. I'd be satisfied if they took me seriously and changed their practices," Lowe told Mamamia.
While a Change.org petition launched by Lowe in 2015 has gained more than 160,000 signatures, progress has been slow.
Listen: Once you get the veggies, here's a great way to get kids to eat them.
While some small changes have been made by Woolworths, in Lowe's opinion there was still far too much plastic packaging.