
'My mother-in-law fed my son meat even though we are vegan.'

A woman has been with her husband for eight years and married for five. The couple decided to go vegan together six years ago and, since becoming parents have raised their son, Jacob the same.

Jacob’s grandma doesn’t agree with their lifestyle choice.

Since going vegan the young couple, both 26 have been healthier than ever and have collectively lost a lot of weight.

The vegan couple are healthier than ever. Image via iStock.

The 26-year-old wife has taken to Reddit to talk about a time her mother-in-law fed Jacob meat and is asking the internet what she is supposed to do about it.

"We knew from the moment I was pregnant that we would be raising our child vegan. It's something that we firmly believe in and we didn't want to raise our son in a way that defied our values," she wrote.

Holly and Andrew discussed this story on This Glorious Mess. Listen to their take...

The Reddit user, MILthrowaway60 went on to say that her son is healthy and happy being a 'veggie'. She also opened up about the fact that her mother-in-law has been skeptical since the beginning. That she has tried to sneak things like chicken broth into their food and bought them fish that she insists they take home.

"We've never given into any of her demands, and after one particularly bad incident, we threatened to go no contact. Once she knew that we were serious, she cut the bullshit but still remained skeptical," MILthrowaway60 wrote.

Who needs chicken broth when you can make delicious vegan recipes like glazed eggplant (Post continues after the video)...


When their son was younger, the vegan parents sat their MIL down and spoke to her about their values and why it was so important to them and why they wanted Jacob to share those values.

"We had this talk because we both knew that eventually, she would want to spend time with her grandson and we wouldn't always be around," MILthrowaway60 wrote.

However, the day before her Reddit post, Jacob's mum had left her son in the care of his grandma. She had packed him a vegan lunch so he could eat good food, but not from animals. When she went to pick him up he hadn't touched the food. When confronted, his grandma said it was because she had fed him a hotdog instead.

She fed him a hotdog. Image via iStock.

"I asked her why she didn't give him the food I packed and she told me that when she asked him if he wanted a hotdog, he nodded so obviously he must have really wanted to eat meat. I told her that no, when he eats hotdogs at home, they're vegan and that was what he was used to. He's very aware and he would never intentionally eat an animal," the frustrated mum wrote.

Utlimately a few stern words were thrown at the MIL before Jacob's mum took her son and left. MIL phoned her son, Rick and said his wife was 'abusing' Jacob. Rick was furious at his mum.

Now the vegan mother is asking - should they remove the grandma from her son's life or try and have another conversation explaining their beliefs and values and why they need her to respect them.

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