
Single mum discovers 'creepy' twist to the 'sweet' Valentine's note she got from stranger.

Single mum Aleasha Bliss thought she might be about to meet her “Prince Charming” when she returned to her car to find a note left by an admirer on Valentine’s Day.

Aleasha previously told Mamamia she was at a service station when she found the note, which was signed ‘Josh’ and described the 32-year-old as “breathtaking”, on her windshield. It made the Australian hairdresser’s day.

However, Aleasha has since discovered what she thought was a “sweet gesture” was not so much romantic as “weird and creepy”.

The difficulty in breaking the cycle of bad relationships. Post continues below.

“Imagine my surprise this morning when I find out it’s not as romantic as I first thought,” the mum wrote on her blog on Thursday.

“My stomach butterflies and excitement was wasted on whom I thought was Prince Charming. Jilted, again.”

You see, the Queenslander was not the first woman to receive a “special” note from Josh.

This made my day being left on my windscreen this morning!! Who are you Josh??? #valentines #surprise #sweet #love #mademyday

A post shared by Aleasha Bliss (@little_miss_bliss85) on


“Clearly Josh has a type. He is apparently a serial note leaver,” she told her readers.

“I am being sent the same note from people. I’m finding it quite amusing that what I thought was such a sweet gesture is actually a regular occurrence for him.

“So I wasn’t that special to him after all – just one of many.”

Aleasha only learned of the many other women after exchanging a few texts with the man and becoming “concerned of his intentions completely”.

“Upon messaging this man over the last 48ish hours, his messages have gone from sweet and endearing to a little bit weird and creepy.”

Unfortunately, that wasn’t the end of the sad saga. As she later found out – Josh has a girlfriend.


“‘Josh’ is not at all who he claims to be. I’ve just been speaking to his heartbroken girlfriend,” Aleasha said.

The mum did not elaborate on her conversation with Josh’s girlfriend, but we can only guess she does not have fond feelings towards the notes.

As for Aleasha, while there won’t be a happy ending to her secret admirer story, she said there was a small silver lining.

“I am glad I’ve entertained all my friends though.”

To follow Aleasha Bliss on her blog, click here.

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