Prepare yourselves.
If you thought there was no worse pain ‘down there’ than going through child-birth, I’m sorry to tell you that you’re sorely mistaken. (Literally.)
Because when you read about these vagina injuries from these poor Reddit users, you will never complain about it again.
If you don’t believe us, read for yourself…
1. Not a fan.
“When I was 7, my brother was chasing me around the house and I fell over a fan blade. I cut my clitoris and had to be taken into emergency to get it fixed.”
2. First tampon mission.
“The first time I tried tampons, I must have put the tampon in wrong because it got stuck half-way and wouldn’t budge in either direction. I tugged at it as hard as I dared (which, to be fair, wasn’t that hard because I was scared I’d prolapse myself if I just yanked it out dry) and it wouldn’t move.
“I rang my friend for advice and she asked her flat mate. They said, ‘Try masturbating, if you get turned on your vagina will get lubed up and expand and the tampon might be easier to get out.’ I wasn’t really feeling very sexy but I said okay and gave it a go. Got out my vibe and waddled over to my bed like a horny penguin and desperately tried to think sexy thoughts.
“(It did actually work! Tampon popped out really easily afterwards.)”
3. Taking clean to a new level.
“When I was a young teenager and fairly foolish, I got the great idea once to put hand sanitiser on my vagina. Don’t put hand sanitiser on your vagina.”
4. Zero hero.
"I was going through puberty before a lot of my friends and didn't understand why I suddenly had hair. So I took my dad's straight razor and hid under a blanket shaving it off. Dry. With zero experience. Without pulling anything taught. My poor labia and vulva hurt so badly from all the cuts. Straight razors should not be used by 9-10yo's."
5. Whipper snipper.
"When mine first started growing in I would use scissors to trim them and once managed to cut myself right at the part where the inner thigh meets the outside of the vagina. Hurt like hell but I got a wicked scar."