
Are you on Team Vagina or Team Vulva? (SFW)

Vagina or vulva? Which word is correct?





Why does the word vagina make people so angry?

Maybe because nobody uses it correctly.

You see, what we all call a vagina is not actually a vagina. It’s a vulva.

But did anyone ever learn that in school? Not that we know can remember. It was always ‘girls have a vagina and boys have a penis’. Right?

When we stumbled upon this article online it had the whole office giggling because if there’s one thing that’s guaranteed to stir debate on Mamamia: it’s the mention of the v-word.

We don’t shy away from conversations involving that word.

Writer Lindy West from Jezebel wrote:

I am in the business of entertainment. And vagina, for whatever reason, just sounds funnier than vulva. It just DOES. “Vagina” also has a long history of making people incredibly uncomfortable—there’s a confrontational value to it. “Vulva” is clinical, anatomical, medical. Boooooriiiiiing. Vagina is like “junk.”

Now, if I wrote for an anatomy blog, or a blog about two twins who were unfortunately named Vulva and Vagina O’Houlihan, then I’d go out of my way to be as specific as possible (because I don’t want people to think that it was Vagina O’Houliahan who got an Irish dancing scholarship to Notre Dame when actually it was Vulva!). But I don’t. I write for a general-interest, humorous lady-blog, where every single reader knows exactly what the fuck I mean, in context, when I say “vagina.” And I’m going to keep saying it. Because WHOOOOO CAAAAAARES?

And courtesy of Buzz Feed, 7 Things That Accidentally Look Like Vaginas. Or Vulvas, depending on which team you’re on.

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Think about it… when was the last time you ever used the word ‘vulva’ in a sentence? Actually, when was the last time you used to the word ‘vagina’ in a sentence? Vulva or vagina. Does it matter? Do you care?

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