
Daily Buzz: Court orders parents to 'urgently' vaccinate baby


Brisbane Supreme Court Justice Jean Dalton ordered two parents to urgently take their 40-hour-old child to the hospital for Hepatitis B vaccinations because the child had a 20 per cent chance of being infected with the virus. The baby’s mother had a chronic form of Hep B.

Doctors said if the child was infected it was almost certain to develop cancer or liver disease.

The parents were opposed to vaccinations on religious and philosophical grounds (the father did not trust pharmaceutical companies) but Justice Dalton, whose decision was made last year but published today, found the child’s immediate welfare outweighed the concerns of the parents.

1. We’re all still talking about The Wiggles and the slightly suspicious sudden retirement of three of its members.

2. The new Queensland Premier Campbell Newman is taking plants out of department buildings because they cost $900,000 a year to keep.

3. All 10 abattoirs in New South Wales use ‘deficient’ practices in the slaughter of animals, a government review has found.

4. The man who shot and killed Australian heart surgeon Dr Victor Chang is set to be released on parole in the next few months, on the condition he is deported immediately to Malaysia. Chiew Seng Liew was sentenced to 26 years in jail and has served 21.

5. This was going around yesterday but it’s so worth a mention. A former Geelong Grammar School student and her mother are suing the school because she did not get into law. She claims the school did not support her, the school notes she did not finish all her work.

6. Remember the ‘runaway millionaires’ who took $10 million after it was accidentally deposited into their bank account by Westpac and went on the run to Bangkok? Well, a jury has found them guilty in court this week.

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