
One song. 100 movie dance scenes. Millions of views. One amazing pick-me-up.

If this video mashup doesn’t get you off the couch and dancing, then you may need to reassess your priorities.

The creative geniuses over at What’s The Mashup? have created something so flipping good there’s no wonder it’s gone viral. And we all collectively owe them one for it. They’ve spent hours, if not days, compiling 100 of your favourite movie dance scenes and setting them to the soundtrack of Mark Ronson’s “Uptown Funk”.

With over one million YouTube hits, and references to some of your all-time favourite movies like Napoleon Dynamite, Mary Poppins and Dirty Dancing, this video is bound to put you in a feel-good dancin’ mood.

If you can sit through this delightful video without having the world’s biggest smile on your face, then you have an illustrious poker career ahead of you.

What other mashups have you enjoyed?

Tags: video
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