
Five space-saving Christmas decorating ideas that don't involve chopping down a tree.


Christmas is fast approaching and it’s time to deck the halls.

But what happens if you don’t have any halls to deck? Or if you live in a studio apartment?

Or if you just really, really don’t want to take up precious living room space with a giant, real-life tree that will shed pine needles all over your floor, adding just another job to your endless Christmas ‘to do’ list?

Luckily, there are ways you can still get festive without sending yourself into a stress spiral.

LISTEN: Melania Trump’s White House Christmas decorations have us giggling. Post continues after audio. 

These handy, space-saving, unique and most of all ridiculously good looking decorating ideas will have your home looking holiday ready in no time.

1. Turn your favourite pot plant into a Christmas tree.

Forget lugging a tree home from your local service station – just grab the potted fern, or fig tree or potted anything you have sitting at home and string on some fairy lights and a bit of tinsel.


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Not only is this a time-saving option, but it’s financially savvy (no need to buy a new tree!) and environmentally friendly, too.

And it will also look pretty darn snazzy surrounded by all those presents, too.

2. Have a pile of books? You have a Christmas tree!

Book lovers rejoice, because this is the perfect alternative Christmas tree for you.

Simply stack a pile of your favourite reads, string a few fairy lights and voila! You have a ‘literary’ awesome tree.


The best part? You can make the tree as small or as tall as you like. If space is an issue (or if you are worried about pets or children knocking it down), stack the books on a table or cabinet.

3. Utilise that precious wall space.

A 2D Christmas tree may not be the most conventional approach, but it’s a perfect option for those living in small apartments.

Using easy to remove wall hooks, string lights, tinsel or even branches into a ‘tree’ pattern on a bare wall.


Some sites even offer removable Christmas-themed wall decals that can be stuck up in a matter of minutes, and then peeled off in a fuss-free, mess-free manner.

4. Draw it yourself!

This one is so easy it can be completed in under five minutes.

Using a blank canvas, Butcher’s paper or even a children’s blackboard, simply paint or draw your dream Christmas tree in whatever shape, style or colour you desire.

Alternative Christmas Tree ????#alternatives #christmasmood

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It’s so easy that if you don’t like the look of it, you can just start all over again.

And once Christmas is over? Pack it up for next year, or just pop it in the recycling. Done!

5. Make do with what you’ve got.

Just because it’s called a ‘Christmas tree’, doesn’t mean it has to be made from nature.

Almost anything can be stacked, glued or sewn together to form a ‘tree’ shape perfect for placing presents under.

Look around your garage, craft or even your junk room for objects you could use to ‘build your own’ tree: leftover corks, coffee filters, sea shells and even children’s blocks can be fashioned together to make a tree.


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You could even get the kids involved as a fun school holiday activity – the only limit is their imagination.

Not only will it keep them occupied so you can get to work on that Christmas pudding, but you’ll have a truly handmade, one-of-a-kind tree the whole family can say they had a part in creating.

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