It’s happened to so many parents.
Baby naming is serious business. For some, it’s all about tradition and family names. But for others, finding something original and unique is the goal.
So what happens when the wonderful, distinctive, rarely-heard name you’ve carefully chosen suddenly becomes…popular?
Call it baby name heartbreak. And with the release of the top baby names of 2014, it’s what’s ailing the parents of Masons and Liams, Olivias and Lilys and more.
When Gary and Renee Lopus thought of baby names for their son, now 3, they narrowed it down to Mason and Jacob. They selected Mason because they thought it was less popular. Now when they’re at the store, it seems like every adult is calling for a Mason, which BabyCenter lists as the 6th most popular names for boys.
“Mason is the new Mike. We wanted the less popular [name],” says Lopus, 39, who blames the popularity of the name on Kourtney Kardashian, whose 5-year-old is Mason.
Kim and Christ Petro, both school teachers, found it challenging to come up with a name for their now 11-month-old baby boy because they didn’t want any names of the children they taught.
“We both wanted names that didn’t remind us of children at school,” says Kim, 32. So When Chris suggested Mason, it fit the requirement. But now, Kim says she sees the name Mason everywhere.
“I really had no idea that Mason was such a popular name,” she says. “[I] was kind of in shock.”
Peter Chace, 27, and his wife Sarah, 30, also hoped to give their sons unique names. They named their 2-year old-son Noah. They really liked its Biblical resonance and felt the meaning (rest or comfort) fit his temperament.