I want to start this article with an apology.
An apology to all the non-parents who listen to us parents complain about parenting.
Yes, parenting life can be boring and yes, the sleep deprivation is a killer. Yes, the juggle is real and no, we don't appreciate the judgement. But we need you to know that we love our little (and big) kids so damn much that our heads and our hearts hurt ALL THE TIME.
Watch: The mums of the Mamamia office share some of the weirdest things their kids have ever done. Post continues below.
After a chat with a non-parent who pointed out how often we write about the challenges of parenting coupled with a classic moment with my four-year-old that had me in hysterics, I put together a list of some of the unexpected positives that no one tells you about parenting
From re-watching childhood movies to being told you are the greatest pasta chef in the world, here are 18 of the best answers (including my own) from the Mamamia parenting community.
1. "I frickin' love being a parent. I work in a career I love nine days a fortnight, which gives me the mental capacity to (mostly) be the mum I want to be outside of that. Yesterday my daughter and I were on the playground and she climbed up a ladder much taller than I thought she’d be able to. When she got to the top, I said, 'You did it!' Then she was a little scared to go down the slide alone, so she wanted me to join her. When I got to the top of the ladder, she said, 'You did it!' She was super excited for me. It was the cutest." - Hannah.